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Resúmenes más recientes de Cambridge IGCSE (R) Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences Coursebook with CD-ROM

Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Animal Nutrition Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Animal Nutrition
  • Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Animal Nutrition

  • Resumen • 5 páginas • 2021
  • A basic summary of Chapter 5 of the IGCSE Coordinated Science Programme, covers the human digestive system, different enzymes, minerals and the human diet.
  • 5,42 €
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Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Chemistry - Planet Earth Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Chemistry - Planet Earth
  • Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Chemistry - Planet Earth

  • Resumen • 5 páginas • 2021
  • A basic summary of Chemistry chapter 1 - IGCSE Coordinated Science; covers the composition of air, air pollution, and global warming effects.
  • 5,42 €
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Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Cells Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Cells
  • Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Cells

  • Resumen • 4 páginas • 2021
  • A basic summary of biology chapter 1 - IGCSE Coordinated Science, covers what cells are, the basic functions of cells, characteristics of living things, and magnification.
  • 5,42 €
  • + aprende más y mejor
Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Plant Nutrition Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Plant Nutrition
  • Coordinated Science - IGCSE - Biology - Plant Nutrition

  • Resumen • 3 páginas • 2021
  • A basic summary of Biology chapter 4 - IGCSE Coordinated Science, covers photosynthesis, leaf structure, and chlorohyll.
  • 5,42 €
  • + aprende más y mejor