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Resúmenes más vendidos de Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage
Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Summary
- Resumen • 2 páginas • 2023 Popular
- 4,79 €
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This summary consists in a quick recopilation of all the key information that is written by Jay B Barney, and William S. Hesterly in the book "Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage notes" in which the autors make some economics analysis, in order to help undergraduate and graduate students in business administration, management, and related fields, as well as for professionals who want to learn more.
Resúmenes más recientes de Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage
Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Summary
- Resumen • 2 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
- 4,79 €
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This summary consists in a quick recopilation of all the key information that is written by Jay B Barney, and William S. Hesterly in the book "Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage notes" in which the autors make some economics analysis, in order to help undergraduate and graduate students in business administration, management, and related fields, as well as for professionals who want to learn more.
Bussiness administration
- Notas de lectura • 51 páginas • 2021 Nuevo
- 7,41 €
- 1x vendido
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Its a document to introduce you to bussiness administration.
¿Estrés por los estudios? Para los vendedores en Stuvia, estos son tiempos de oro. ¡KA-CHING! Gana también con tus resúmenes y empieza a subirlos ya. Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia