Physics A level
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Chapter 13: Turning Points
- Resumen • 7 páginas • 2023
- 6,89 €
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Chapter 13: Turning Points, Physics A-level, AQA. It includes: specific charge of an electron, Millikan’s experiment, light (wave vs particles), photoelectric effect, wave-particle duality, speed of light and relativity and special relativity. It divided in 3 parts: the electron, wave-particle duality and relativity

Chapter 12: Nuclear Physics
- Resumen • 12 páginas • 2023
- 6,99 €
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Chapter 12: Nuclear Physics. Physics A-level, AQA. It includes: Rutherford scattering and atomic structure, radius and density, emissions, investigation, exponential law of decay, nuclear decay, fission and fusion and binding energy.

Chapters 9 & 10: Electric and Gravitational Fields, Capacitors
- Resumen • 9 páginas • 2023
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Chapters 9 & 10: Electric and Gravitational Fields, Capacitors. Physics A-level, AQA. It includes: gravitational fields, gravitational potential, orbits and gravity, electric fields, electric potential and work done, comparison. Capacitors: charging and discharging & more about that.
Chapter 8: Thermal Physics. Physics A-level, AQA. It includes: thermal energy transfer, gas laws, ideal gas equation, pressure of an ideal gas, Ke and the development of theories.
Chapter 7: Further Mechanics, A-level, AQA. It includes: circular motion, SHM, SH oscillations and free and forced vibrations.
Chapter 5: Materials. Physics A(S)-level, AQA. It includes: properties of a material, stress and strain, the Young Modulus and stress-strain and force-extension graphs.

Chapter 3: Waves
- Resumen • 7 páginas • 2023
- 6,49 €
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Chapter 3: Waves. Physics A(S)-level, AQA. It includes: progressive waves, longitudinal and transverse, superposition and coherence, stationary, diffraction, two source interference, diffraction gratings and refractive index

Chapter 2: EM radiation and Quantum Phenomena
- Resumen • 4 páginas • 2023
- 6,49 €
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Section 2- EM radiation and Quantum phenomena. It is part of the A(S)-level syllabus. It includes: photoelectric effect, energy levels and photon emission and wave-particle duality

Chapter 1- Particle Physics
- Resumen • 9 páginas • 2023
- 6,49 €
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Chapter 1: Particles, physics A(S)-level, aqa Exam Board. The notes include: atomic structure, stable and unstable nuclei, particles and antiparticles, forces and exchange particles, classification of particles and quarks

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