Respiratorio - Guías de estudio, Notas de estudios & Resúmenes
¿Buscas las mejores guías de estudio, notas de estudio y resúmenes para Respiratorio? En esta página encontrarás 200 documentos de estudio para Respiratorio.
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Spanish Medical Interpreter Exam CHI El Sistema Respiratorio with Answers
- Examen • 3 páginas • 2024
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- 10,28 €
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Spanish Medical Interpreter Exam CHI El Sistema Respiratorio with AnswersSpanish Medical Interpreter Exam CHI El Sistema Respiratorio with AnswersSpanish Medical Interpreter Exam CHI El Sistema Respiratorio with AnswersSpanish Medical Interpreter Exam CHI El Sistema Respiratorio with Answers 
airway - ANSWER-via respiratoria 
alveoli - ANSWER-los alvéolos 
apnea - ANSWER-apnea 
Asthma - ANSWER-el asma
Respiratory: prioritization & delegation questions |Latest 2024/25
- Examen • 9 páginas • 2024
- 10,28 €
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Respiratory: prioritization & delegation questions |Latest 2024/25
ATI Test Taking Starts Pretest and Posttest questions with correct answers 20242025. A client who has audible respiratory stridor has airway impairment and is unstable. Based on the stable vs. unstable priority-setting framework, the nurse should
- Examen • 20 páginas • 2024
- 8,81 €
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ATI Test Taking Starts Pretest and Posttest questions with correct answers 20242025. 
A client who has audible respiratory stridor has airway impairment and is unstable. Based on the stable vs. unstable priority-setting framework, the nurse should identify this client as the priority and recommend immediate treatment by the provider.
NUR 109 Respiratory WITH QUESTIONS AND VERIFIED ANSWERS 2023 A patient demonstrates labored, shallow respirations and a respiratory rate of 32/min with a pulse oximetry reading of 85%. What is the priority nursing intervention? a. Provide the patient
- Examen • 54 páginas • 2024
- 18,12 €
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NUR 109 Respiratory 
A patie 
nt demonstrates labored, shallow respirations 
and a respiratory rate of 32/min with a pulse 
oximetry reading of 85%. What is the priority nursing 
a. Provide the patient with a breathing treatment 
b. Obtain an order for a stat arterial blood gases 
c. Encourage coughing and deep breathing 
d. Start oxygen via nasal cannula at 2L/min - 
CORRECT ANSW-d. Start oxygen v...
Prioritization, Delegation, AssignmentRespiratory Problems Chp6 Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2023
- Examen • 12 páginas • 2023
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- 12,24 €
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1. An experienced LPN/LVN, under the supervision of the team leader RN, is providing 
nursing care for a patient with a respiratory problem. Which actions are appropriate to 
the scope of practice of an experienced LPN/LVN? (Select all that apply.) 
1. Auscultating breath sounds 
2. Administering medications via metered-dose inhaler (MDI) 
3. Completing in-depth admission assessment 
4. Checking oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry 
5. Developing the nursing care plan 
6. Evaluating the pati...
Haz menos doloroso el estrés del estudio
Universidad MetropolitanaPrograma de Bachillerato en Ciencias de EnfermeríaRepaso de Reválida-Medicina y Cirugía
- Examen • 41 páginas • 2023
- 10,28 €
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Repaso de Reválida – Medicina y Cirugía 
Fallo Cardíaco Congestivo (CHF) 
Situación Clínica 
El Sr. Carlos Cardec de 56 años, fue admitido al Departamento de Medicina con un diagnóstico 
de fallo cardíaco congestivo. Presentaba edema, ascitis, dolor abdominal, fatiga, disnea, cianosis 
y disminución en el output urinario. 
1. El fallo cardíaco que presenta el paciente se define como: 
a. Inhabilidad del corazón para llenar las demandas del cuerpo y fallas en el bombeo 
ATI MED SURG RESPIRATORY 2020 (ALREADY GRADED A) A nurse caring for a client who is 1 hr postoperative following acute thoracentesis.Which of the following is the priority assessment finding? Tracheal deviation to the unaffected side A nurse in the emerge
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2023
- 8,71 €
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A nurse caring for a client who is 1 hr postoperative following acute thoracentesis.Which of the following is the priority assessment finding? Tracheal deviation to the unaffected side A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a client who is experiencing a pulmonary embolism. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Apply supplemental oxygen A nurse is assessing a client who has a chest tube in place following thoracic...
Angela Cortez
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2023
- 9,79 €
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. Datos de identificación del paciente 
Fecha de ingreso: viernes 20 de mayo 
Fecha de Historia Clínica: 20/mayo/22 
Nombre: Angela Cortez 
Sexo: Femenino 
Edad: 17 años 
Origen: Estados Unidos 
Religión: Agnóstica 
Estado civil: soltera 
Escolaridad: Bachiller (Último año) 
Ocupación: estudiante 
Acompañante: N/A 
Parentesco: N/A 
2. Motivo de consulta 
“Mi mamá me hizo venir acá porque estoy cansada todo el tiempo”. 
3. Enfermedad actual: 
Paciente femenina de 17 años de edad, ...
Interpreter Training Full Set Exam Questions And Answers
- Examen • 49 páginas • 2023
- 12,73 €
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Interpreter Training Full Set Exam Questions And Answers 
El/la anestesiólogo(a) - CORRECT ANSWER anesthesiologist 
El/la audiólogo(a) - CORRECT ANSWER audiologist 
El/la cardiólogo(a) - CORRECT ANSWER cardiologist 
El/la consejero(a) - CORRECT ANSWER counselor 
El/la higienista dental - CORRECT ANSWER dental hygienist 
El/la dentista - CORRECT ANSWER dentist 
El/la dermatólogo(a) - CORRECT ANSWER ...
El aparato respiratorio
- Resumen • 17 páginas • 2024
- 5,49 €
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Se da una descripción de todos los órganos que forman parte del aparato respiratorio. Además, se habla tanto a nivel tisular como celular, de las funciones que realiza y su importancia. Por ultimo, se dan ejemplos de otros tipos de respiración que existen en el mundo biológico.
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