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2 artículos

chapter 19- lattice energy (corrected by professor)

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this document covers chapter 19 of the Chemistry CIE book of lattice energy. It is a summary of the different subtopics, including the questions that are answered and corrected by a teacher. all the answers were written based on the book and the exams marking schemes

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  • Resumen
  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por jadeadrianae • 
  • subido  2024
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organic chemistry most common questions AS Level CIE

2,99 €
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Summary of all reactions and mechanisms and conditions of organic chemistry. displayed in a simple way following the CIE mark scheme. isomers and type of isomerism, bromine test, types of hybridisation. nmr spectroscopy color changes of solutions for organic tests summary of some reactions and their standard products

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  • Resumen
  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por jadeadrianae • 
  • subido  2024
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