WGU C211 Global Economics for Managers
Arizona School Of Real Estate And Business
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- Examen • 17 páginas • 2023
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view that claims phenomenon of globalization was initially driven by the desire of Western economies to exploit their power through MNE's 
view that claims globalization is a long-run historical evolution since the dawn of humanity. Says it is nothing new and that it will always exist 
view that claims globalization is swinging from one extreme to another from time to time 
investment in, controlling, and managing value-added activities in other co...

wgu c211 global economics exam questions with verified correct answers
- Examen • 21 páginas • 2023
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which view claims that the phenomenon of globalization was initially driven by the Western economies to exploit their Powers through Multinational Enterprises 
"New" force view 
economic gaines from international trade because one countries exported Goods, services or other items are unique, valuable and difficult to duplicate to the important countries. which view does this statement portray? 
resource-based View 
what is the aggregation of importing and exporting that leads to th...

- Examen • 6 páginas • 2023
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Which view claims that the phenomenon of globalization was initially driven by the desire of Western economies to exploit their power through multinational enterprises? 
The new-force view 
Economic gains come from international trade because one country's exported goods, services, or other items are unique, valuable, and difficult to duplicate to the importing countries 
Resource-based view 
What is the aggregation of importing and exporting that leads to the country-level trade su...

C211 Global Economics for Managers (WGU) Cengage Text questions and answers
- Examen • 21 páginas • 2023
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The close integration of countries and peoples of the world. 
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 
A conversion that determines the equivalent amount of goods and services that different currencies can purchase. 
Scenario Planning 
A technique to prepare and plan for multiple scenarios (either high or low risk). 
Risk management 
The identification and assessment of risks and the preparation to minimize the impact of high-risk , unfortunate events. 
Gross Nationa...

WGU - C211 Global Economics for Managers test questions and answers.
- Examen • 17 páginas • 2023
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Explain the New, Evolutionary, and Pendulum views of Globalization. How do these differ from one another? 
New globalization is a new force sweeping through the world in recent times. Pendulum globalization is a pendulum that swings from one extreme to the the other from time to time. Evolutionary globalization is a long historical evolution since the dawn of human history. 
What is Foreign Direct Investment? 
Investment in controlling and managing value-added activities in other countries...

C211 WGU Study Guide(questions and answers)2023-2025 updated & verified
- Examen • 29 páginas • 2023
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Is the close integration of countries and peoples of the world which has been brought about by the enormous reduction of the cost of transportation and communication, and the breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and (to a lesser extent) people across borders. 
New view of Globalization 
A new force sweeping through the world in recent times that it is a new phenomenon beginning in the late 20th century, driven by recent te...

- Examen • 9 páginas • 2023
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Deadweight Cost 
Net losses that occurs in an economy as a result of tariffs 
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 
A conversion that determines the equivalent amount of goods and services different currencies can purchase. An adjustment to reflect the differences in the cost of living in various countries 
North America, Western Europe, and Japan 
Resource Based View 
An organization's resources and capabilities, NOT external conditions, should be the basis for strategic deci...

WGU C211 - Global Economics for Managers exam questions and answers 2023 update
- Examen • 9 páginas • 2023
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**What Political views exist on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)** 
**answer includes radicalism** 
Radical View - Hostile to foreign direct investment (FD) 
Free Market View - Suggests foreign direct investment (FDI) unrestricted by government intervention is the best. 
Pragmatic Nationalism - Only approves foreign direct investment (FDI) when its benefits outweigh its costs. 
**What is Resource similarity** 
The extent to which a given competitor possesses strategic endowment comparab...

WGU C211 - Global Economics for Managers, Brian Final exam questions and answers(verified for accuracy)
- Examen • 48 páginas • 2023
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3 views on globalization 
Globalization is when you do business internationally 
New, Evolutionary, and Pendulum 
"New" view on globalization 
A force sweeping through the world in recent times. 
Which view claims that the phenomenon of globalization was initially driven by the desire of Western economies to exploit their power through multinational enterprises? 
"Evolutionary" view on globalization 
A long-run historical evolution since the dawn of human history 

WGU C211 Global Economics Terms with 100% correct definitions.
- Examen • 4 páginas • 2023
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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 
Investment in, controlling, and managing value-added activities in other countries. 
Mercantilism/Theory of Mercantilism 
A theory that suggests that the wealth of the world is fixed and that a nation that exports more and imports less will be richer. 
Strategic Trade Policy 
Government policy that provides companies a strategic advantage in international trade through subsidies and other supports. 
Transaction Risk 
It's the exchange rate risk...

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