NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project (NUR590)
Grand Canyon University
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NUR 590 Topic 6 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Evaluation Plan Spring 2023
- Otro • 6 páginas • 2023
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NUR 590 Topic 6 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Evaluation Plan 
The project proposal focuses on determining the efficacy of using multi-modalevidence-based practices (EBPs) in preventing CAUTI incidences among acute care in-patients with indwelling urinary catheters. The project proposal will augment patientpopulation care outcomes based on research from peer-reviewed journals, books, andgovernmentwebsites.Th...

NUR 590 Topic 5 DQ 2 Stakeholder Barriers you might experience Spring 2023
- Otro • 5 páginas • 2023
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Week5DQ2	**atleast3References** 
Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phaseof your evidence-basedpracticeproject.Whatstrategiescanyouimplementtogainstakeholdersupportfortheprojectimplementation?Provideasuggestionyouwouldgivetoacolleaguewhoisstrugglingwithobtainingstakeholdersupport.

NUR 590 Topic 5 DQ 1 Some of the Obstacles or Barriers Grand Canyon Spring 2023
- Otro • 2 páginas • 2023
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Week5DQ1	**atleast3References** 
What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-basedpractice(EBP)innursing?ExplainhowatleastoneoftheobstaclesyouhavedescribedcouldimpacttheimplementationforyourEBPproject.

NUR 590 Topic 4 DQ 2 Explain whether you would select a Qualitative or Quantitative Spring 2023
- Otro • 2 páginas • 2023
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NUR 590 Topic 4 DQ 2 
Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Identify which data collection tool you would specifically use and explain why this design is best for your evidence-based practice project proposal.

NUR 590 Topic 4 DQ 1 Test you would use in Conjunction with your Selected research Grand Canyon Spring 2023
- Otro • 2 páginas • 2023
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Topic 6 DQ1 
When reviewing the literature for your evaluation plan and different types of evidence for your project, what gaps in the findings did you encounter? How could these gaps influence other researchers?

NUR 590 Topic 5 DQ 1 Some of the Obstacles or Barriers plus DQ 2 Some of the Obstacles or Barriers Spring 2023
- Otro • 6 páginas • 2023
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Week5DQ1	**atleast3References** 
What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing evidence-basedpractice(EBP)innursing?ExplainhowatleastoneoftheobstaclesyouhavedescribedcouldimpacttheimplementationforyourEBPproject. 
Week5DQ2	**atleast3References** 
Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phaseof your evidence-basedpracticeproject.Whatstrategiescanyouimplementtogainstakeholdersupportfortheprojectimplementation?Provideasuggestionyouwouldgivetoa...

NUR 590 Topic 5 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project Implementation Plan Spring 2023
- Otro • 9 páginas • 2023
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NUR 590 Topic 5 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project Implementation Plan

NUR 590 Topic 4 DQ 1 Test you would use in Conjunction plus DQ 2 Qualitative or Quantitative Spring 2023
- Otro • 4 páginas • 2023
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T4 DQ 1 
Identify which statistical test you would use in conjunction with your selected research design from DQ 1 to evaluate the outcomes for your evidence-based project proposal and explain why you selected this test. What kind of information will this test provide about your outcomes? 
NUR 590 Topic 4 DQ 2 
Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Identify which dat...

NUR 590 Topic 3 DQ 1 plus DQ 2 Evidence-Based Practice Project Grand Canyon Spring 2023
- Otro • 4 páginas • 2023
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Week3DQ1	**atleast3References** 
Discuss the significance of frameworks or models in guiding research or evidence-basedpracticeprojects.Howcanchoosinganincorrectframeworkormodelcreatebiasinresearch? 
Week2DQ2	**atleast3References** 
Reviewthedifferentmodelsandframeworksthatcanbeusedtofacilitatechange.Compare twoandexplainwhichisbestforyourevidence-basedpracticeproposalandwhy.Providerationale.

NUR 590 Topic 3 Assignment Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project Model-Framework for Change Spring 2023
- Otro • 7 páginas • 2023
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NUR 590 Topic 3 Assignment Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project Model-Framework for Change

¿Estrés por los estudios? Para los vendedores en Stuvia, estos son tiempos de oro. ¡KA-CHING! Gana también con tus resúmenes y empieza a subirlos ya. Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia