Rasmussen College
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NUR 2759 MDC3 Exam
- Examen • 40 páginas • 2022
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NUR 2759 MDC3 Exam 1 Review With NCLEX MDC3 Exam 1 Review ABCs • A - airway • B - breathing • C – circulation Uterine Leiomyoma • Benign, slow growing solid tumors of the muscle layer of the uterus (fibroids) • Excessive local growth of smooth muscle tissues o Growth may be stimulated by estrogen, progesterone, and growth hormone Assessment: asymptomatic or symptomatic (heavy prolonged vaginal bleeding)** • Assess pelvic pressure, elimination pattern, abdomen size,...

mdc part 1 correctly answered
- Examen • 6 páginas • 2022
- $8.99
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Treatments for frostbite? a. Warm extremity, give pain meds (opioids), elevate extremity above heart (b/c worried about edema and swelling). 2. 80 y/o Pt at grandsons’ game, history of diabetes, face flushed and skin hot to touch. 1st thing to do on site? a. Move to shade, loosen, and wet his clothes. 3. How we sort prioritization on assessing victims in an emergency situation? a. Triage 4. What does shivering do to patients’ temp who have heat stroke? Elevates temperature. What med ...

MDC 3 exam 2 focused review Exam Questions & Answers Latest 2021/2022
- Examen • 181 páginas • 2022
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NUR2502 Exam 2 Focused Review · Neck cancer- s/s, nursing interventions, teaching regarding treatment · S/S: leukoplakia (white, patchy lesions), erythroplakia (red, velvety lesions), lumps in mouth/throat/neck, difficulty swallowing and chewing, foul breath, epistaxis (nose bleeds), oral lesion or sore throat that doesn’t heal in 2 wks, persistent/unilateral ear pain, persistent/unexplained oral bleeding, numbness of mouth/lips/face, jaw pain, change in fit of dentures, voice hoarsene...

Rasmussen CollegeMDC III NUR2759MDC 3 exam 2 focused review LATEST 2021/2022,100% CORRECT
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2022
- $12.49
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Neck cancer- s/s, nursing interventions, teaching regarding treatment · S/S: leukoplakia (white, patchy lesions), erythroplakia (red, velvety lesions), lumps in mouth/throat/neck, difficulty swallowing and chewing, foul breath, epistaxis (nose bleeds), oral lesion or sore throat that doesn’t heal in 2 wks, persistent/unilateral ear pain, persistent/unexplained oral bleeding, numbness of mouth/lips/face, jaw pain, change in fit of dentures, voice hoarseness, SOB, burning sensation when dr...

Rasmussen CollegeMDC III NUR2759MDC 3 exam 2 focused review.docx
- Otro • 8 páginas • 2021
- $7.49
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NUR2502 Exam 2 Focused Review · Neck cancer- s/s, nursing interventions, teaching regarding treatment · S/S: leukoplakia (white, patchy lesions), erythroplakia (red, velvety lesions), lumps in mouth/throat/neck, difficulty swallowing and chewing, foul breath, epistaxis (nose bleeds), oral lesion or sore throat that doesn’t heal in 2 wks, persistent/unilateral ear pain, persistent/unexplained oral bleeding, numbness of mouth/lips/face, jaw pain, change in fit of dentures, voice hoarsene...

EXAM #3- Modules 7,8,9,10,11 ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECT FALL-2021/2022 EDIION AID GRADE A+
- Otro • 32 páginas • 2021
- $8.39
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Heart Failure- Left and Right Pathophysiology ○ Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the heart muscle is overworked or has congenital defects and is unable to fill or pump effectively to meet the body's demand → This leads to inadequate cardiac output, myocardial hypertrophy, and pulmonary and systemic edema. ○ Right-sided heart failure causes systemic edema in the lower extremities, and left-sided heart failure causes pulmonary edema. Edema is the result of blood stasis due t...

NUR2502 Exam 2 Focused Review ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECT FALL-2021/2022 SOLUTION AID GRADE A+
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2021
- $8.39
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· Neck cancer- s/s, nursing interventions, teaching regarding treatment · S/S: leukoplakia (white, patchy lesions), erythroplakia (red, velvety lesions), lumps in mouth/throat/neck, difficulty swallowing and chewing, foul breath, epistaxis (nose bleeds), oral lesion or sore throat that doesn’t heal in 2 wks, persistent/unilateral ear pain, persistent/unexplained oral bleeding, numbness of mouth/lips/face, jaw pain, change in fit of dentures, voice hoarseness, SOB, burning sensation when dri...
Rasmussen College MDC III NUR2759 MDC Exam 3 Study Guide Fall 2021
MDC3 Exam 1 Review - With NCLEX questions and extra notes.
MDC3 Exam 1 Review - With NCLEX questions and extra notes 2021/MDC3 Exam 1 Review - With NCLEX questions and extra notes 2021

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