Rasmussen College
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Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356Final Review Phram Questions
- Examen • 15 páginas • 2022
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5. The nurse is administering an intravenous vesicant chemotherapeutic agent to a client. Which assessment would require the nurse’s immediate action? A. Stomatitis lesion in the mouth B. Severe nausea and vomiting C. Complaints of pain at site of infusion D. Edema of the client’s extremities 5. Answer C. Complaints of pain at site of infusion A vesicant is a chemotherapeutic agent capable of causing blistering of tissues and possible tissue necrosis if there is extravasation. These...

Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356 MDC 3 Test Prep
- Examen • 14 páginas • 2022
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Exam 3 STUDY GUIDE Appropriate nursing actions: When a client falls Positioning to reduce injury for bony prominences Reducing shear injury Reduce urinary tract infection Reducing pressure ulcers- factors that are contributors For vital signs out of range (i.e low oxygen saturation) Appropriate measures in taking an oral temperature Vital signs that can indicate post-surgical pain?

Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356 MDC 1 Test Prep.
- Otro • 16 páginas • 2022
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MDC 1 Exam 1 Prep/review Culture and Religion Be aware that, when someone is in the healthcare system and has to make a decision that is contrary to their beliefs and practices, making that decision can cause them moral distress When a client or family is making the decision for a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order ~ Catholics may want to have ‘last rights’ administered. If so, we need to reach out to their priest or clergy and honor their wishes When a new immigrant has to ...

Rasmussen College MDC EXAM 2 REVIEW NURSING NUR2356
- Examen • 10 páginas • 2022
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The effects of Immobility a) Interventions that improve flexibility P.R.E.P.(Perform passive ROM, Reposition Q2HR, Encourage independent activity as much as possible even in bedrest, Provide assistive devices) Know examples of exercises for flexibility b) Assessment/ Findings of a patient with DVT Assessment (1) Compare distal pulses for pulse quality, observe the color and temp. of extremities, evaluate sensation and motion, and determine speed of capillary refill. Compare ...

Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356 MDC Final Exam Review
- Examen • 17 páginas • 2022
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1. Appropriate nursing actions: Nicole a) When a client falls 1 st priority – check on patient for any injuries Before that, guide the patient to the floor. b) Positioning to reduce injury for bony prominences Place pillows under areas and elevate Changes position for 2hrs Elevate calves to protect heels c) Reducing shear injury (med surg pg 447) Avoid pulling and sliding patient against bed Keep head of bed at a slight elevation Make sure sheets and blanket...

Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356 Module 06 Assignment – Designing a Care Map
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2022
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Purpose of Assignment Assist students to develop a care plan that includes safe discharge information for a client with musculoskeletal trauma. Course Competency Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders. Instructions Mr. Harry Roost is a 78-year old male being discharge after a fracture of his right tibia and fibula. He has a long leg cast that he will need to wear for the next 8 weeks. The nurses have observed him using a hanger...

Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356Module 04 Written Assignment – Nursing Diagnosis
- Examen • 5 páginas • 2022
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Purpose of the Assignment 1. Assist students in clustering assessment data when developing a nursing diagnosis. 2. Develop students’ ability to write client based outcomes when planning care. Course Competencies Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders. Instructions Using the template below the instructions, write 3 nursing diagnoses in proper format based on the client case provided below. Write one SMART client-centered outcom...

Rasmussen College NURSING NUR2356Module 10 Written Assignment – Pharmacological Treatments for Arthritis
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2022
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Purpose of the Assignment 1. Identify the common pharmacologic treatments for inflammatory diseases of the human body 2. Review potential effects medication have on the clients’ basic care and comfort needs 3. Identify nursing interventions meeting to basic care of comfort needs of clients’ receiving these pharmacological agents Course Competencies Describe strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients experiencing immunologic, ...

- Examen • 17 páginas • 2022
- $10.49
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1. Appropriate nursing actions: Nicole a) When a client falls 1 st priority – check on patient for any injuries Before that, guide the patient to the floor. b) Positioning to reduce injury for bony prominences Place pillows under areas and elevate Changes position for 2hrs Elevate calves to protect heels c) Reducing shear injury (med surg pg 447) Avoid pulling and sliding patient against bed Keep head of bed at a slight elevation Make sure sheets and blanket...
MDC Final Exam Review./MDC Final Exam Review.

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