Maryville University Of St. Louis

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NURS 629 MVU exam 1 questions and answers latest update with complete solution
  • NURS 629 MVU exam 1 questions and answers latest update with complete solution

  • Examen • 4 páginas • 2022
  • Disponible en paquete
  • 1. How do you measure fundal height - symphysis pubis to top of uterus 2. When can you start to hear fetal heart tones? - around 12 wks 3. What is quickening? - fetal movements felt by the mother 4. When is quickening felt - between 16-20 weeks 5. Abnormal Complaints in first trimester - 1st trimester: Vaginal bleeding Book: spotting, bleeding, cramping, painful urination, severe vomiting and/or diarrhea, fever > 100.4, symptoms of vaginal infection or STI; persistent or severe low abdo...
  • $4.49
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NURS 629 MVU exam 1 (Answered)
  • NURS 629 MVU exam 1 (Answered)

  • Examen • 3 páginas • 2022
  • NURS 629 MVU exam 1 (Answered) How do you measure fundal height symphysis pubis to top of uterus When can you start to hear fetal heart tones? around 12 wks What is quickening? fetal movements felt by the mother When is quickening felt between 16-20 weeks Abnormal Complaints in first trimester 1st trimester: Vaginal bleeding Book: spotting, bleeding, cramping, painful urination, severe vomiting and/or diarrhea, fever > 100.4, symptoms of vaginal infection or STI; persistent or ...
  • $10.49
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