University Of Texas - Arlington
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N5315 - Advanced Pathophysiology Hematologic System.
- Examen • 14 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
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N5315 - Advanced Pathophysiology Hematologic System. / N5315 - Advanced Pathophysiology Hematologic System. 
1. Analyze the process of hemostasis: 
a. Analyze the platelet structure and the 4 phases of platelet plug formation:
N5315 - Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide.
- Examen • 25 páginas • 2021
- $15.49
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N5315 - Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide. / N5315 - Advanced Pathophysiology Study Guide. 
Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System 
 Upper gastrointestinal bleed source of bleeding in the esophagus, 
stomach or the duodenum 
o Characterized by frank, bright red or “coffee ground” emesis 
(affected by the stomach) emesi
N5315 - Module 3 Review.
- Examen • 24 páginas • 2021
- $13.99
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N5315 - Module 3 Review/N5315 - Module 3 Review. 
Immune System 
1.	Examine the structure and function of the immune system. 
a. Describe how the normal function of T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte cells differ. i. T Cells- Cell mediated immunity. 
1.	“cluster of differentiation” 
2.	CD4 cells- t-helper or t4 cells 
a.	Release lymphokines to begin inflammatory process 
b.	Mediate delayed sensitivity. (TB skin test). 
3.	CD8 cells aka t cells, killer t, and t8. 
a.	Kill viruses by releasing cy...
N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Hematologic System Core Concepts and Objectives with Advanced Organizers
- Examen • 10 páginas • 2021
- $14.00
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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Hematologic System 
Core Concepts and Objectives with Advanced Organizers
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