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Chemistry for Embalmers Midterm Questions & Answers Accurate 100%
Chemistry for Embalmers Midterm Questions & Answers Accurate 100% 
The ________ for a ketone is R-CO-R - ANSWERGeneral Formula 
All isomers are in the same class [ex: ketones] - ANSWERFalse 
When benzene's carbons lose a hydrogen, the ____ is formed - ANSWERmethyl radical 
An organic compound with 7 carbons in it will be a - ANSWERliquid 
Open chained hydrocarbons are classified as - ANSWERAliphatic 
Which of the following is not a term that refers to benzene - ANSWER5 carbon ring...
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- • 14 páginas •
Chemistry for Embalmers Midterm Questions & Answers Accurate 100% 
The ________ for a ketone is R-CO-R - ANSWERGeneral Formula 
All isomers are in the same class [ex: ketones] - ANSWERFalse 
When benzene's carbons lose a hydrogen, the ____ is formed - ANSWERmethyl radical 
An organic compound with 7 carbons in it will be a - ANSWERliquid 
Open chained hydrocarbons are classified as - ANSWERAliphatic 
Which of the following is not a term that refers to benzene - ANSWER5 carbon ring...
AAMI - Chemistry for Embalmers Final Review Questions Correct 100%
AAMI - Chemistry for Embalmers Final Review Que 
Methane - ANSWERCH₄ 
Marsh Gas - ANSWER2nd Name - AKA 
Ehtane - ANSWERC₂H₆ 
Propane - ANSWERC₃H₈ 
Ethene - ANSWERC₂H₄ 
Ethylene - ANSWER2nd Name - AKA 
Propene - ANSWERC₃H₆ 
Pentene - ANSWERC₅H₁₀ 
Ethyne - ANSWERC₂H₂ 
Acetylene - ANSWER2nd Name - AKA 
Propyne - ANSWERC₃H₄ 
Benzene - ANSWERC₆H₆ 
Parent Compound or Aromatic Nucleus - ANSWEROther names - AKA 
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- • 57 páginas •
AAMI - Chemistry for Embalmers Final Review Que 
Methane - ANSWERCH₄ 
Marsh Gas - ANSWER2nd Name - AKA 
Ehtane - ANSWERC₂H₆ 
Propane - ANSWERC₃H₈ 
Ethene - ANSWERC₂H₄ 
Ethylene - ANSWER2nd Name - AKA 
Propene - ANSWERC₃H₆ 
Pentene - ANSWERC₅H₁₀ 
Ethyne - ANSWERC₂H₂ 
Acetylene - ANSWER2nd Name - AKA 
Propyne - ANSWERC₃H₄ 
Benzene - ANSWERC₆H₆ 
Parent Compound or Aromatic Nucleus - ANSWEROther names - AKA 
AAMI Intro to Microbiology Exam Questions and Answers Accurate 100%
AAMI Intro to Microbiology Exam Questions and Answers AccBacteriology - ANSWERStudy of bacteria 
Bacteria - ANSWERMinute unicellular organisms that resembles plants but dont contain chlorophyll. 
Mycology - ANSWERStudy of Fungi. 
Fungi - ANSWERUnicellular and Multi cellular organisms 
Virology - ANSWERStudy of viruses 
Virus - ANSWERthe smallest known organisms 
Protozoology - ANSWERStudy of protoza 
Protozoa - ANSWERUnicellular animal organisms 
Rickettsiology - ANSWERStudy of ...
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- • 18 páginas •
AAMI Intro to Microbiology Exam Questions and Answers AccBacteriology - ANSWERStudy of bacteria 
Bacteria - ANSWERMinute unicellular organisms that resembles plants but dont contain chlorophyll. 
Mycology - ANSWERStudy of Fungi. 
Fungi - ANSWERUnicellular and Multi cellular organisms 
Virology - ANSWERStudy of viruses 
Virus - ANSWERthe smallest known organisms 
Protozoology - ANSWERStudy of protoza 
Protozoa - ANSWERUnicellular animal organisms 
Rickettsiology - ANSWERStudy of ...
PHT 312 - Microbiology For Embalmers Questions and Answers correct 100%
PHT 312 - Microbiology For Embalmers Questions and Answers correct 100% 
The new vegetative organisms in the tissues of the wound, especially in muscles, release exotoxins causing the fermentation of the muscle sugar with such vigor that the presence of accumulated gas tears the tissue apart - ANSWERgas gangrene 
Aerobes in the wound facilitate the germination of clostridial spores and their vegetative growth by reducing the oxygen in the wound. - ANSWERgas gangrene 
Marked by pus produc...
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- • 18 páginas •
PHT 312 - Microbiology For Embalmers Questions and Answers correct 100% 
The new vegetative organisms in the tissues of the wound, especially in muscles, release exotoxins causing the fermentation of the muscle sugar with such vigor that the presence of accumulated gas tears the tissue apart - ANSWERgas gangrene 
Aerobes in the wound facilitate the germination of clostridial spores and their vegetative growth by reducing the oxygen in the wound. - ANSWERgas gangrene 
Marked by pus produc...
AAMI Pathology for Embalmers - LU1 Questions & Answers Accurate 100%
AAMI Pathology for Embalmers - LU1 Questions & Ans 
Stomatitis - ANSWERInflammation of the mouth (oral or buccal cavity) which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth 
Etiologies (causes) of Stomatitis - ANSWER1. Mechanical trauma - chewing or peeling 
2. Extreme temperature - drinking beverages that are 
 too hot; eating hot pizza can burn the roof of the 
3. Chemical injury - exposure to heavy metals such as 
4. Infections from pathogens: common ...
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- • 11 páginas •
AAMI Pathology for Embalmers - LU1 Questions & Ans 
Stomatitis - ANSWERInflammation of the mouth (oral or buccal cavity) which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth 
Etiologies (causes) of Stomatitis - ANSWER1. Mechanical trauma - chewing or peeling 
2. Extreme temperature - drinking beverages that are 
 too hot; eating hot pizza can burn the roof of the 
3. Chemical injury - exposure to heavy metals such as 
4. Infections from pathogens: common ...
Microbiology for Embalmers Quiz Questions & Answers Accurate 100%
Microbiology for Embalmers Quiz Questions & AnsweFalse - ANSWERThe causative agent of scarlet fever is Staphylococcus aureus. 
True - ANSWERThe Meningococcus enters the body by the nose and mouth. 
Gonococcus. - ANSWERWhich of the following organisms enters the body by the genital system? 
Gonococcus. - ANSWEROpthalmia neonatorum is caused by the 
In the hospital - ANSWERA nosocomial infection is one that originates: 
Stapylococcus aureus - ANSWERToxic shock syndrome is caused by? 
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- • 5 páginas •
Microbiology for Embalmers Quiz Questions & AnsweFalse - ANSWERThe causative agent of scarlet fever is Staphylococcus aureus. 
True - ANSWERThe Meningococcus enters the body by the nose and mouth. 
Gonococcus. - ANSWERWhich of the following organisms enters the body by the genital system? 
Gonococcus. - ANSWEROpthalmia neonatorum is caused by the 
In the hospital - ANSWERA nosocomial infection is one that originates: 
Stapylococcus aureus - ANSWERToxic shock syndrome is caused by? 
AAMI Introduction to Microbiology Questions & Answers Accurate 100%
AAMI Introduction to Microbiology Questions & AnswerBiology - ANSWERis the science of life and of living organisms. Which including their: structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. 
Microbes - ANSWERAre a unicellular(one-celled) organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope. They also can be call microorganism. 
Bacteriplogy - ANSWERis a study of bacteria, which are minute unicellular organisms that resemble plants, but don not contain chlorophyll. 
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- • 3 páginas •
AAMI Introduction to Microbiology Questions & AnswerBiology - ANSWERis the science of life and of living organisms. Which including their: structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. 
Microbes - ANSWERAre a unicellular(one-celled) organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope. They also can be call microorganism. 
Bacteriplogy - ANSWERis a study of bacteria, which are minute unicellular organisms that resemble plants, but don not contain chlorophyll. 
Micro for Embalmers Final Questions and Answers Correct 100%
Micro for Embalmers Final Questions and Granulomatous inflammation - ANSWERWhat type of lesion results when fungi are systemic? 
Tinea Cruris - ANSWERRingworm of the groin is also known as: 
Toxoplasma may be transmitted across the placenta to fetus - ANSWERWhy should pregnant women limit their exposure to cats? 
Bats - ANSWERAnimal associated with histoplasma is: 
Cat - ANSWERAnimal associated with toxoplasma gondii is: 
72 hours - ANSWERHow often do chills and fever of malaria occur ...
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- • 6 páginas •
Micro for Embalmers Final Questions and Granulomatous inflammation - ANSWERWhat type of lesion results when fungi are systemic? 
Tinea Cruris - ANSWERRingworm of the groin is also known as: 
Toxoplasma may be transmitted across the placenta to fetus - ANSWERWhy should pregnant women limit their exposure to cats? 
Bats - ANSWERAnimal associated with histoplasma is: 
Cat - ANSWERAnimal associated with toxoplasma gondii is: 
72 hours - ANSWERHow often do chills and fever of malaria occur ...
AAMI Microbiology for Embalmers Units 9, 10, 11 Questions and Answers Accurate100%
AAMI Microbiology for Embalmers Units 9, 10, 11 Questions and Answers Accurate100% Smaller - ANSWERviruses are _______ than the finest parasite resolvable by the compound microscope. 
Obligate Intracellular Parasites - ANSWERviruses are all? 
Inflammatory - ANSWER_______ reactions are thought to occur as a result of: 
- toxins or antigens present in or on the virus 
- the breakdown of body cells killed by viruses 
Cell Death - ANSWERthis may be produced by: 
- inability of the cell to com...
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- • 13 páginas •
AAMI Microbiology for Embalmers Units 9, 10, 11 Questions and Answers Accurate100% Smaller - ANSWERviruses are _______ than the finest parasite resolvable by the compound microscope. 
Obligate Intracellular Parasites - ANSWERviruses are all? 
Inflammatory - ANSWER_______ reactions are thought to occur as a result of: 
- toxins or antigens present in or on the virus 
- the breakdown of body cells killed by viruses 
Cell Death - ANSWERthis may be produced by: 
- inability of the cell to com...
AAMI Microbiology for Embalmers Week 5 Accurate 100%
AAMI Microbiology for Embalmers Week 5 Accurate 100% Spiral - ANSWERwhat hape is the Treponema Pallidum? 
Spirochete - ANSWERtreponema pallidum is actively mobile as a? 
Syphilis - ANSWERtreponema pallidum is an etilogical agent of? 
Chancres - ANSWERwhat is the typical lesion associated with treponema pallidum? 
10, 12, 1 - ANSWERtreponema pallidum can live outside of the body for ____-______ hours under suitable conditions, but is killed within _____ hour by drying. 
True - ANSWERma...
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- • 7 páginas •
AAMI Microbiology for Embalmers Week 5 Accurate 100% Spiral - ANSWERwhat hape is the Treponema Pallidum? 
Spirochete - ANSWERtreponema pallidum is actively mobile as a? 
Syphilis - ANSWERtreponema pallidum is an etilogical agent of? 
Chancres - ANSWERwhat is the typical lesion associated with treponema pallidum? 
10, 12, 1 - ANSWERtreponema pallidum can live outside of the body for ____-______ hours under suitable conditions, but is killed within _____ hour by drying. 
True - ANSWERma...
CPI Instructor Exam 100% accurate!
IHSA Basketball Test|| 75 Questions|| Accurate Answers|| Verified!
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IHSA Basketball Test|| 75 Questions|| Accurate Answers|| Verified!
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SEM580 Final Exam Review Questions & Answers (Graded A+)
Elementary Education Content Test 305 Exam 2024 Questions and Answers 100% Correct!