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Derniers résumés de Applying International Financial Reporting Standards

Gevorderde topics in fin. rapp: Perfecte lang uitgeschreven notities
- Notes de cours • 282 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €12,49
- 5x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Dit document omvat van A tot Z wat er in de les gezegd geweest is. De voorbeelden en oefeningen zijn erg lang uitgeschreven. Dankzij dit document is het bekijken van de lessen niet nodig. Ik leer steeds enkel uit mijn notities en behaal mooie punten. Dit document omvat (bijna) alle lessen, namelijk notities van: 
Financiële rapportering 8/2/2021 
Gevorderde topics in financiële rapporterin...

Advanced Financial Accounting - Book Summary
- Resume • 111 pages • 2021
- €6,99
- 21x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document is a summary of the book 'Applying IFRS Standards' (4th edition) by Picker et al., used in the course 'Advanced Financial Accounting' in the Master Accountancy, Tilburg University. The document covers all chapters required by the course, and includes useful tables and examples.

Summary Applying IFRS Standards (4th edition) - Selected Chapters (1)
- Resume • 45 pages • 2021
Disponible en pack
- €3,99
- 4x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document contains a summary of the book Applying IFRS Standards (4th edition), by Picker et al. (2016), which is used for the course Financial Accounting and Reporting. 
Please note that this summary only covers chapters 1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13 and 15. Chapters 5, 8, 10 and 12, which are also part of the final exam for this course (in 2020-2021), are not covered.
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Financial Accounting and Reporting - Book Summary
- Resume • 146 pages • 2021
- €6,99
- 59x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document is a summary of the book 'Applying IFRS Standards' (fourth edition) by Picket et al., used in the course 'Financial Accounting and Reporting' in the Master Accountancy, Tilburg University. The document covers all chapters required by the course, and includes useful tables and examples.

Complete summary IFRS (book + notes + slides)
- Resume • 35 pages • 2021
- €9,99
- 5x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document is a complete summary of the course International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS, prof. dr. Van Cauwenberge). It includes all chapters that you need to study for the exam.

Summary lectures Advanced Financial Accounting
- Resume • 100 pages • 2020
- €3,99
- 53x vendu
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Summary of the lectures of Advanced Financial Accounting with topics such as business combinations, consolidation, foreign currency, joint arrangements and associates, income taxes, financial instruments and presentation and disclosure. 

Book "Applying IFRS Standards" chapters 6, 7, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24.

Summary Financial Accounting
- Resume • 36 pages • 2020
- €5,49
- 7x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Summary of the book Applying IFRS Standards (Ruth Picker, Kerry Clark, John Dunn, David Kolitz, Gilad Livne, Janice Loftnus and Leo van der Tas). This summary includes all relevant chapters for the exam.

Chapters included:
Chapter 4: Revenue from contracts with customers.
Chapter 5: Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
Chapter 6: Income taxes
Chapter 7: Financial instruments
Chapter 11: Property plant and equipment
Chapter 14: Business Combinations
Chapter 15: Impairment
Practice exam Corporate Financial Reporting - studentmade
AFA 2019 Exercise Bus Comb incl suggested solutions
AFA 2019 Tutorial Financial Instruments incl suggested solutions.

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