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Derniers résumés de International Political Economy
Summary including most of the IPE readings including an overview of all the lecture content to help with revisions.

IPE Lecture3: Class Notes + Summary of Chapters3-4 (International Political Economy, IRO Year 2 Block 2)
- Resume • 19 pages • 2020
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This document contains my class notes for Lecture 3 from the International Political Economy course, which is taught in Block 2 of the second year of International Relations and Organizations. It also contains my notes from the assigned readings, Chapters 3 and 4 from International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley and notes from the assigned Planet Money podcast, Tires, Taxes and the Grizz.

IPE Lecture5: Class Notes + Summary of Chapter 5 (International Political Economy, IRO Year 2 Block 2)
- Notes de cours • 6 pages • 2020
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- €3,99
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This document contains my class notes for Lecture 5 from the International Political Economy course, which is taught in Block 2 of the second year of International Relations and Organizations. It also contains my notes from the assigned readings, Chapter 5 from International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley .
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Summary of the book International Political Economy, written by Thomas Oatley, sixth edition. Contains chapters 1 - 15.
All course summaries including reading summaries for the first semester in year 2 of the BSc International Relations and Organisations

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