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Derniers résumés de Janeway\'s Immunobiology

Advanced Immunology Janeway test 3) Cell fate determination in immunity
- Resume • 8 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
This is a small summary for the course advanced immunology from the master biomedical sciences at the UvA. It includes all the information you need for one of the 9 Janeway tests during this course. Look out for the bundle, because that's a lot cheaper!

Advanced Immunology Janeway test 7) T cell homing and activation
- Resume • 7 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
This is a small summary for the course advanced immunology from the master biomedical sciences at the UvA. It includes all the information you need for one of the 9 Janeway tests during this course. Look out for the bundle, because that's a lot cheaper!

Advanced Immunology Janeway test 8) Failure of host defence mechanisms & evolution of the immune system
- Resume • 7 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
This is a small summary for the course advanced immunology from the master biomedical sciences at the UvA. It includes all the information you need for one of the 9 Janeway tests during this course. Look out for the bundle, because that's a lot cheaper!
Est-ce que vous écrivez vous-même des résumés ? Mettez-les ensuite en vente et gagnez de l'argent à chaque achat de vos documents.

Advanced Immunology Janeway test 1) Innate immunity, complement & phagocytosis
- Resume • 6 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
This is a small summary for the course advanced immunology from the master biomedical sciences at the UvA. It includes all the information you need for one of the 9 Janeway tests during this course. Look out for the bundle, because that's a lot cheaper!

Advanced Immunology Janeway test 5) Antigen presentation and immune regulation through B T cell interactions
- Resume • 6 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
This is a small summary for the course advanced immunology from the master biomedical sciences at the UvA. It includes all the information you need for one of the 9 Janeway tests during this course. Look out for the bundle, because that's a lot cheaper!

Advanced Immunology Janeway test 6) B cells, antibodies, affinity & apoptosis
- Resume • 6 pages • 2019
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- + en savoir plus
This is a small summary for the course advanced immunology from the master biomedical sciences at the UvA. It includes all the information you need for one of the 9 Janeway tests during this course. Look out for the bundle, because that's a lot cheaper!
Volledige samenvatting van het boek van prof Leclercq.

BUNDEL samenvattingen toetsen/praktijken 1e & 2e jaar BML
- Pack • 10 éléments • 2018
- €5,99
- 5x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Opleiding: biologie en medisch laboratorium onderzoek. Deze bundel bevat heel veel samenvattingen van toetsen en praktijken, werkcolleges en hoorcolleges worden ook besproken.
De bundel bestaat uit alle uploads samen (dus zowel samenvattingen als oefenvragen etc.).

30 Oefenvragen B06IMM immuunsysteem (Hogeschool Leiden)
- Resume • 4 pages • 2018
Disponible en pack
- €2,99
- 4x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Opleiding: biologie en medisch laboratorium onderzoek. Oefenvragen met antwoorden over het immuunsysteem, gebaseerd op de belangrijkste zaken voor tentamen
samenvatting van het van immunologie gebasseerd op de lessen en het boek van Janeway's. Bevat alle belangrijk informatie en casussen uitwerking.

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