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Résumés des meilleures ventes pour Principles of Marketing plus Pearson MyLab Marketing with Pearson eText, Global Edition

Samenvatting Marketing BA1
- Resume • 127 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- €7,99
- 2x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Samenvatting van het vak Marketing voor TEW, Handelsingenieur 1e bachelor aan de VUB. 
Heb hiermee 17/20 behaald. 
Gaat over H1-2 ; H4-16

- Resume • 48 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
- €8,49
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
The summary consists of the most important theory, grids and strategies with images and examples of the theory. Besides that, it contains the learning outcomes of the marketing exam of international communication year 1 of Hanze. The learning outcomes are indicated in red and important terms are highlighted in yellow for a clear overview.
this is a summary of the book 'principles of marketing' from Kotler and Armstrong. it is only from chapter 1, 2 and 3.
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Summary Year 2 Block 1 - Principles of Marketing (Pearson), Global Edition, 17th edition, ISBN: 9781292220284 Marketing & Sales
- Resume • 27 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- €6,92
- + en savoir plus
This document summarizes the following key concepts of marketing: Marketing strategies, Market segmentation - Market targeting - Differentiation and Positioning (STP), Product development strategies, Pricing strategies, Promotion mix, Advertising decisions, Personal selling process, Digital marketing, and Competitor analysis.
Derniers résumés de Principles of Marketing plus Pearson MyLab Marketing with Pearson eText, Global Edition
this is a summary of the book 'principles of marketing' from Kotler and Armstrong. it is only from chapter 1, 2 and 3.
Samenvatting van het vak Marketing voor TEW, Handelsingenieur 1e bachelor aan de VUB. 
Heb hiermee 17/20 behaald. 
Gaat over H1-2 ; H4-16

Summary Year 2 Block 1 - Principles of Marketing (Pearson), Global Edition, 17th edition, ISBN: 9781292220284 Marketing & Sales
- Resume • 27 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- €6,92
- + en savoir plus
This document summarizes the following key concepts of marketing: Marketing strategies, Market segmentation - Market targeting - Differentiation and Positioning (STP), Product development strategies, Pricing strategies, Promotion mix, Advertising decisions, Personal selling process, Digital marketing, and Competitor analysis.
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Marketing Summary
- Resume • 136 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- Disponible en pack
- €8,49
- + en savoir plus
Summary of the course marketing taught at the VUB for students of Business Economics

- Resume • 48 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- €8,49
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
The summary consists of the most important theory, grids and strategies with images and examples of the theory. Besides that, it contains the learning outcomes of the marketing exam of international communication year 1 of Hanze. The learning outcomes are indicated in red and important terms are highlighted in yellow for a clear overview.

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