2020 - 2021
bid indication of willingness to buy or sell
= een bod goods or services or to undertake a task,
at a specific price and within a specific
bond a general term for any fixed-interest
= een schuldeninstrument om geld te security, especially one issued by the
lenen in ruil voor interest betalingen government
business angel an investor who helps new companies
= een ‘bedrijfsengel’ develop by lending them money and
iemand die het bedrijf financieel, … steunt giving advice
currency tokens used as money in a country. In
= valuta, een betaalmiddel addition to the metal coins and paper
bank notes, modern currency also
includes cheques drawn on bank
accounts, money orders, traveller’s
cheques and will soon include electronic
money or digital cash
DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average
= de oudste aandelenindex van de VS the world’s best-known index of the
movement of prices and yields of common
stock on the NYSE. It is based on the
leading US industrial companies and is
popularly called ‘the Dow’
listed company a company whose shares can be
= een beursgenoteerd traded on a country’s main stock market
money laundering legitimisation (washing) of illegally
= geld witwassen obtained money to hide its true
nature or source (typically the drug
trade or terrorist activities)
NYSE the New York Stock Exchange
= de aandelenindex van New York
securities stocks, shares and bonds which are
= effecten, aandelen, obligaties bought as investments
zijn verhandelbaar en prijs hangt af van
de huidige koers
share/stock a particular separate part or portion into
= een aandeel which the capital of a company is divided
kapitaal van het bedrijf is opgesplitst in
aandelen die verhandeld worden
shareholder/stockholder a member of a limited company and
= een aandeelhouder therefore a holder of one or more
shares in that company
stock exchange/stock market a place where stocks and other securities
= de beurs are bought and sold
stockbroker a broker, especially one employed by a
= een effectenmakelaar member firm of a stock exchange, who
een handelaar in aandelen buys and sells stocks and other
securities for customers
The City roughly one square mile of area, around
= het financiële hart van London and to the east of St. Paul’s Cathedral in
London (UK) consisting almost entirely
, of banking, brokerage, insurance,
trading, and other such firms and
financial institutions
Wall Street financial district of New York, the
= het financiële district van New York en home to New York Stock Exchange (NYSE),
algemeen gezien als het hart van de American Stoch Exchange (AMEX) and
Amerikaanse financiële wereld several major banks and brokers in lower
synonymous with the US financial
also called ‘the Street’
assets all things owned by a person or
= activa business and having some money
alle bezittingen met monetaire waarde value, especially if they can be used to
pay debt, produce goods, or in some way
help the business to make a profit
assets and liabilities the main difference between assets and
= activa en passiva liabilities is that assets provide a future
passiva zijn de schulden en lasten van een economic benefit, while liabilities present
onderneming, het geld dat in de a future obligation
onderneming geïnvesteerd is
activa en passiva zijn altijd gelijk aan
elkaar op boekhoudige balans
balance sheet a balance sheet summarizes an
= boekhoudige balans met activa en organisation’s assets and liabilities at a
passiva specific point in time
bankruptcy legal procedure for liquidating a
= faillissement business (or property owned by an
individual) which cannot fully pay its debts
out of its current assets
cartel a group of separate companies that
= kartel agree to increase profits by fixing prices
samen met verschillende bedrijven binnen and not competing with each other
een bepaalde sector prijsafspraken maken
om de winst te verhogen
cash flow the movement of money coming into
= geldstroom and leaving a company
code of conduct/practice written guidelines issued by an official
= gedragscode body or a professional association to its
members to help them comply with its
ethical standards
company/corporation an organisation that sells goods or
= bedrijf (doel is winst maken) services in order to make money
concern broad term that covers all types of firms,
= onderneming (overkoepelende term) whether or not for profit
conglomerate a large business organisation
= conglomeraat consisting of different companies that
groot bedrijf met verschillende aparte produce goods of very different kinds
divisies (bv. Samsung)
consumer base the customers that a company gets most
= consumentenbasis of its income from
, corporate of, belonging to or shared by a corporation
= zakelijk, ‘van het bedrijf’
corporation firm that meets certain legal
= corporatie, samenwerkingsverband requirements to be recognized as
having a legal existence, as an entity
separate and distinct from its owners.
Corporations are owned by their
stockholders who share in profits and
losses generated through the firm’s
creditor a person or corporation to whom money
= schuldeiser is owed
customer a person or organisation that buys
= klant goods or services from a shop,
business, … especially regularly
customer base all the people who buy or use a particular
= klantenbestand product or service
debtor a person, group or organisation that owes
= schuldenaar money
(to) expand to invest money to make your business
= uitbreiden bigger
(to) fold to close down (of a business)
= het permanent sluiten van een bedrijf
fringe benefits extra benefits in kind, for example a
= extralegale voordelen (bv. company car
dingen die je normaal zelf moet
regelen/betalen die je werk voor je
head office the headquarters of an organisation, the
= hoofdkantoor main office
inc incorporated; organised as a legal
= NV (Naamloze Vennootschap) corporation, especially in commerce
invoice a document issued by a seller to a buyer
= factuur listing the goods or services supplied and
stating the sum of the money due
joint venture a business or project in which 2 or more
= samenwerkingsvorm tussen bedrijven companies or individuals have
waarbij bedrijven wel samenwerken maar invested, with the intention of working
niet fusioneren (elk behoud eigen together
liabilities the debts owed by a business to its
= passiva creditors and to its owners
al het geld dat in de onderneming is an amount owing by a business or other
geïnvesteerd organisation to other persons or concerns;
vreemd vermogen (leningen) + eigen debts of all kinds
vermogen (schuld aan de
(to) liquidate to terminate the operations of a
= liquideren commercial firm, bankrupt estate, …
opheffen van de ondernemingen en alles by assessments of liabilities and
omzetten in liquide middelen (geld) appropriation of assets for their
Ltd limited liabilitiy
= Naamloze Vennootschap a company whose owners only have