The materials of chapter 6 in the 6th edition is now integrated in several other chapters in the PowerPoints
Although some direct marketing communication techniques allow a certain degree of interactivity, the increasing
penetration of the Internet and mobile devices and the popularity of new interactive media such as interactive TV
and social media are changing the nature of marketing communications interactivity.
Online consumers can go all the way from awareness to interest to desire to action, all within the same medium
and within the same session.
The growing importance of online media
The Internet refers to the computer network infrastructure that enables the exchange of digital data on a global
scale. This is an unique and independent medium.
Sometimes referred to as the World Wide Web (WWW), invented by Tim Berners-Le, which uses hypertext mark-
up language (HTML). The growth of the WWW can be attributed to the user-friendly, consumer-operated pages.
Online advertising is the second largest media category after TV. In online advertising, paid-for-search continues
to be the largest online advertising format.
There is a new generation of marketing practices that are using sophisticated ‘behavioural advertising’ techniques
to learn about the viewer’s interest and provide tailored messaging. Audiences that could never be reached before
are now available and attentive.
Online communication objectives
The online marketer can focus on four specific marketing goals when turning to digital tools :
- Generating brand awareness
Putting or reinforcing the brand in the evoked set of consumers. This by online advertising, content
sponsorship, advergames and viral and social media marketing.
- Shaping brand image and brand attitudes
Defining, reinforcing or changing the set of associations that differentiate the brand from competing products
and improve consumers’ knowledge and judgement about a brand. This by brand sites, online advertising,
anchor deals, email marketing, mobile marketing, online contests and peer-to-peer games.
- Generating trial
Attracting new buyers to the brand by attracting brand-switchers or consumers who have never tried the
product category before. This by mobile marketing, email marketing, online contests, e-couponing and e-
, - Creating loyalty
Influencing consumers’ buying behaviour in the sense of increasing the number of satisfied and committed
buyers. This by email marketing, brand websites, virtual communities and certain e-rewarding games and
online loyalty promotions.
Online communication tools
Almost every traditional communications tool has an online twin.
= sites with specific brand-related information and / or services. A brand site can be used to communicate with
the target groups and also as a platform that enables interaction with, or between, customers or the collection of
individual customer data. Brand websites that deliver information and applications that reinforce the positioning
of the brand, also have brand attitude-forming capabilities.
Brand websites are also essential for effectively sustaining or increasing the loyalty of user groups. Websites need
continuous traffic-generating efforts : online advertising, search engine optimisation, including the URL on
corporate media, on packaging and in offline advertising.
Micro-sites : this is a brand site that is not hosted continuously, but is only used for a short period during a product
launch. It exists for a specific purpose, and often does not contain more than five or six pages. It is often used to
enhance brand experience and to create brand / product excitement without revamping the existing website. It is
a good way to isolate a user and maintain his or her attention to one product or a specific range of products.
But once more, micro-sites need promotion to be found and noticed by the target group!
This is improving the listing in search engines. There exist special agencies that improve the ranking of certain
companies. This can be done by adding hidden keywords, page titles, reciprocal linking... But can also be done by
keyword buying.
= commercial messages on specific rented spaces on websites of other companies.
Global digital ad spending is growing compared to the total advertising budget. Google and Facebook represent
65% of the global mobile market. Video ad spending is hot : 33% of the total digital ad spending worldwide is going
to video.
- Banner ads
These are graphic images used as ads. It can be static or animated or even can incorporate sound.
Several formats exist :
- Buttons : very small rectangles or squares
- Rectangles
- Skyscrapers : a thin and small format, typically along the right side of a web page
- Pop-ups
These are banners that appear in a separate window on top of or beneath (pop-unders) the visited website.