international and European relations (HMH30f)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
All 5 résultats
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International and European Relations Summary
- Resume • 18 pages • 2024
- €5,86
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Summary of the course International and European Relations in the Master of Business Administration at KUL Campus Brussels. Written in the year 2024. 
Short and compact summary of 18 pages with all the information from the slides + additional explanations. No need to waste your time reading 70+ pages summary that are repetitive and explain in 6 paragraphs what you could explain in 1. 
All the information is up to date with new info that was added by the professor this year. Good luck studyi...
Samenvatting International and European Relations (B-KUL-HMH30F)

Summary course International & European Relations KUL (Brussels) 2020-2021
- Resume • 74 pages • 2022
- €5,49
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Summary of the course International & European Relations in the master of business administration at KUL Campus Brussels (Prof. Pauwels), year 2020-2021 (16/20)
Samenvattingen van alles lessen + slides 
Summary of all slides and courses

Volledige samenvatting European and International Relations
- Resume • 92 pages • 2021
- €10,49
- 23x vendu
- + en savoir plus
volledige samenvatting van het vak European and International Relations van docent A. Pauwels. Volgt de structuur van de slides met duidelijke voorbeelden. Quasi alles wat in les gezegd werd staat in de samenvatting.

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