Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN) • Master of business administration
Derniers ajouts au Master of business administration @ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN). Vous cherchez des notes Master of business administration à Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN) ? Nous avons beaucoup de notes, de guides d'étude et de notes d'étude disponibles pour Master of business administration à Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN).
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Cours Master of business administration @ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
Notes disponibles pour les cours suivants de Master of business administration à Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN)
Dernières notes et résumés Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU LEUVEN) • Master of business administration
This document encompasses the entire class of Behaviour, Society and Economy taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.
This document encompasses the entire class of Strategy and Entrepreneurship taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.
This document encompasses the entire class of Multinationals and European Institutions taught in the bridging program of the master of business administration of KU Leuven at the Brussels campus.
Grade: 17/20 
Summary Strategic Financial Decision Making MBA (Sekerci) Master of Business Administration
Volledige samenvatting van Marketing Mix Management - Marketing Mix Effectiveness gegeven door K. Cleeren. De samenvatting bevat alle slides uit de les aangevuld met eigen notities.
Volledige samenvatting van Marketing Mix Management - Consumer Behaviour Towards The Marketing Mix gegeven door T. De Bock. De samenvatting bevat alle slides uit de les aangevuld met eigen notities.
Full summary of all slides & notes given during the video-classes. Professor was Stefan Creemers. At the end of the document, blanco exercises are included so you can easily practice these for the exam. I had a 19/20 for this exam. So summary is very extensive and complete.
In this document, I made a complete summary of all powerpoints + explanations given in the online classes/videos. I also included small summaries of all relevant Reality Checks in boxes. At the end of each chapter, you can also find summaries of the readings.