Labour - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Labour ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 194 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Labour.
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Samenvatting artikelen inleiding pedagogiek RuG - 22/23
- Resume • 31 pages • 2023
- €7,29
- 23x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Samenvatting van alle artikelen, namelijk: 
Mesman & Groeneveld (2018): Gendered parenting 
Gezinsrapport 2011 Met deze link kom je uit bij het complete Gezinsrapport: voor de Inleiding Pedagogiek gebruiken we alleen hoofdstuk 7 en hoofdstuk 8. 
Prevoo & Tamis-Le Monda (2018): Opvoeding en globalisering in westerse landen 
Tamis-Le Monda et al (2008): Parents' goals for children 
Eklund & Lundqvist (2021): Children's rights and gender equality in Swedish paren...

Summary - Migration & Citizenship (7332B005AY)
- Resume • 30 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €6,49
- 4x vendu
- + en savoir plus
All the key concepts from the readings and lectures with their definitions and important notes. The lectures were given by Dr. Bram Lancee and Dr. Eva Zschirnt at UvA.

Economy: Africa Week 12: Labour and Informality
- Resume • 31 pages • 2022
- €3,69
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
N. Bernards “The internationalization of labour politics in Africa” in Critical African Studies 7 (2015) pp. 7-25. 
M. Gallien Understanding Informal Economies in North Africa. From Law and Order to Social Justice, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (2018). 
ILO, Report on employment in Africa (Re-Africa), ILO Geneva 2020. 

Samenvatting literatuur tentamen Migration and Global Development: Key Themes

Class notes Labour Law
- Resume • 106 pages • 2023
- €18,49
- + en savoir plus
The summary contains all five weeks of the course Labour Law (Obligations and Contract Law II). It contains class notes and all reading materials according to the relevant week. 
- Scope of LL, in light of the emerging ‘gig economy’ 
- Individual and collective dimension of LL 
- Court & state interventions regarding gig work and other ‘atypical’ relationships 
- From Unconscionability at Common Law to Legislation 
- Issues of enforcement of LL, in light of gig work and GVCs

Samenvatting - Macroeconomie 2022/2023
- Resume • 30 pages • 2023
- €3,48
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Dit is een samenvatting voor het tentamen van Macroeconomie 2022/2023 
Deze samenvatting bevat: 
- Hoofdstuk 1 t/m 7, 10.1+10.2+10.4, 11 t/m 13 van het boek: Macroeconomics: European edition 
- Aantekeningen van hoorcolleges/werkcolleges 
De samenvatting is in het Engels geschreven
the full summary of everything you need to know for the upcoming final exam of labor economics (2024)

Extensive Labour Law Summary (Obligations and Contract Law II)
- Resume • 92 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €20,49
- + en savoir plus
The summary contains the 5 relevant weeks of the second part of Obligations and Contract Law II, namely Labour Law. The summary contains all reading material, class notes and case law from 2023.

Content International economics
- Resume • 96 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €7,16
- 1x vendu
- + en savoir plus
(Macro & international economics 22_23) 
Class content of international economics + some notes 
KUL Campus brussels - Bridging year

Labour Law - Obligations and Contract Law II Part II
- Resume • 94 pages • 2023
- €20,29
- + en savoir plus
This document contains a summary of the second part of 'Obligations and Contract Law II', specifically Labour Law. It provides the 5 weeks of the course merged with the relevant case law, class notes and all reading material.

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