Reserve - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Reserve ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 75 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Reserve.
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SUMMARY Neuropsychology of Ageing (P_BNPSOUD): bachelor psychology year 3
- Resume • 77 pages • 2023
- €5,99
- 2x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This document contains a summary of all the lectures of the course Neuropsychology of Ageing given at VU Amsterdam. It contains lecture notes as well as a list of abbreviations and my notes from corresponding literature

CFA( Chartered Financial Analyst )Level I Mock Exam ||2023/2024 Test Bank||Questions & Answers
- Examen • 53 pages • 2024
- €13,29
- + en savoir plus
CFA( Chartered Financial Analyst )Level I Mock Exam 
||2023/2024 Test Bank||Questions & Answers 
Information about the coupon rates on the various long-term fixed-rate debt issues of a 
company can most likely be found in the: 
A notes to the financial statements. 
B non-current liabilities section of the balance sheet. 
C Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). - ANSWERS A is correct. Information 
about the coupon rates on the various long-term fixed-rate debt issues can usually be 

CFA( Chartered Financial Analyst )Level I Mock Exam ||2023/2024 Test Bank||Questions & Answers
- Examen • 53 pages • 2024
- €13,29
- + en savoir plus
CFA( Chartered Financial Analyst )Level I Mock Exam 
||2023/2024 Test Bank||Questions & Answers 
Information about the coupon rates on the various long-term fixed-rate debt issues of a 
company can most likely be found in the: 
A notes to the financial statements. 
B non-current liabilities section of the balance sheet. 
C Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). - ANSWERS A is correct. Information 
about the coupon rates on the various long-term fixed-rate debt issues can usually be 

Summary Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 13th edition - Mishkin - Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,11,12,14,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 + TEST BANK Q&A + Core concepts explained
- Resume • 75 pages • 2025
- €7,16
- + en savoir plus
This is a summary of the mentions chapters of the 13th edition of Mishkin. Easy to understand, plain English and same layout as book. I've added a complete test bank (average difficulty) with answers separate and a list of most important core concepts explained. All in one.
Samenvatting van vaak terugkomende onderwerpen uit de OAT. Accountancy jaar 4
Alle lesnotities + uitgewerkte oefeningen van in de les

Complete samenvatting Familiaal Vermogensrecht
- Resume • 157 pages • 2022
- €13,39
- 7x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Het document bevat alles wat in de lessen werd gezegd en in de powerpoints staat + werd aangevuld met wat er in de cursus staat. 
Voorbeelden en mogelijke examenvragen zijn ook opgenomen.
Samenvatting deel 2 over het boek Geld.

HSA Block I exam 2023 with 100% correct answers
- Examen • 31 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €13,76
- + en savoir plus
Identify the typical organizational structure within the AF: - correct answer USAF > MAJ COM > NAF > Wing > Group > Squadron > Flight 
Major Commands are broken down by: - correct answer Geographic location or functional capability 
What does Total Force Integration across the Regular Air Force (Active Duty) and the Air Reserve Component Achieve? 
Select all that apply: 
1. Maintaining integrated capabilities 
2. Partnering in a wide range of military operations 
3. Imp...

FA-MA202 Klinische Farmacie, uitgebreide samenvatting
- Resume • 87 pages • 2022
Disponible en pack
- €11,48
- 10x vendu
- + en savoir plus
In deze samenvatting is alle leerstof per thema samengevat. De stof is afkomstig uit de hoorcolleges, werkcolleges en bijbehorende richtlijnen. 
Voor deze samenvatting heb ik de Thema's van het vak aangehouden en daarbinnen overzichtelijke subkoppen gemaakt: 
Thema 1: Bioanalyse & Medicatiebewaking (Clinical Rules, Antistolling, Farmacogenetica). Thema 2: TDM & Toxicologie. Thema 3: Medicatieoverdracht (Let op! LSP is nu landelijk!). Thema 4: Infectieziekten (antibiotica & reserve antibiot...

Comment a-t-il fait cela? En vendant ses ressources d'étude sur Stuvia. Essayez-le vous-même ! Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia