Liabilities - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Liabilities ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 75 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Liabilities.
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Detailed notes with tables on all of the lectures for the 'Accounting' course
Detailed notes with tables on all of the lectures for the 'Accounting' course

CFA practice 1 Questions and Answers (Graded A)
- Examen • 32 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €13,77
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Proprietary trading is most likely carried out by: 
settlement agents. - Answer- Dealers, 
Dealers act as principals, so they are deemed proprietary traders. Dealers trade on behalf of their own accounts and use their own capital to make markets. B is incorrect. Brokers arrange deals between the buyers and the sellers. They do not trade for their own accounts. C is incorrect. Settlement agents provide services to clear and settle deals after they have been negotiated. 

CFA Exam 108 Questions with Answers 2023,100% CORRECT
- Examen • 13 pages • 2023
- €9,97
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CFA Exam 108 Questions with Answers 2023 
Equity equals: - CORRECT ANSWER Assets - Liabilities = Equity 
(4)Shareholders' equity reported on the balance sheet is most likely to differ from the market value of shareholders' equity because: - CORRECT ANSWER B)Some factors that affect the generation of future cash flows are excluded. 
(8)All of the following are current assets except: - CORRECT ANSWER B)goodwill. 
(9)The most likely costs included in both the cost of inventory and prope...

Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists Class Summary with exercises
- Resume • 42 pages • 2023
- €9,99
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The Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialist summary is an invaluable resource for anyone looking for a comprehensive and approachable guide to the world of accounting and finance. Whether you're a business owner, a finance or accounting professional, or just someone with an interest in understanding the basics of financial management, this summary provides the perfect starting point. 
The summary defines key terms such as 'assets' and 'liabilities', and explains the fundamentals of fin...

Summary Accounting (Financial part) IBA
- Resume • 39 pages • 2022
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- €8,99
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Summary for the course Accounting International Business Administration at VU Amsterdam, a first-year course. This summary covers the first part of the course, which is financial accounting. 
The summary is equipped with several accessibilities such as the 'GO BACK BUTTON' that helps you to go through the summary in a few seconds.

CFA( Chartered Financial Analyst )Level I Mock Exam ||2023/2024 Test Bank||Questions & Answers
- Examen • 53 pages • 2024
- €14,72
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CFA( Chartered Financial Analyst )Level I Mock Exam 
||2023/2024 Test Bank||Questions & Answers 
Information about the coupon rates on the various long-term fixed-rate debt issues of a 
company can most likely be found in the: 
A notes to the financial statements. 
B non-current liabilities section of the balance sheet. 
C Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). - ANSWERS A is correct. Information 
about the coupon rates on the various long-term fixed-rate debt issues can usually be 

CFA Mock Exam Full Questions and Answers (Graded A)
- Examen • 8 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €9,97
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if you were fired from a previous job and fail to tell your new emmployer is that a violation and if so of what? - Answer- yes, misconduct. this information could potentially harm your new employer and he needs to know man! 
degress of price discrimination - Answer- 1st degree-- know price that every consumer is willing to pay. 2nd degree-- price varies according to quanity demanded. sellers aren't able to distinguish classes or consumers. third degree-- charging different prices to different...

Summary - Balance sheet items measurement bases: IFRS vs US GAAP
- Resume • 7 pages • 2022
- €5,48
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An in-depth summary of the measurement bases of different balance sheet items with a focus on differences between IFRS and US GAAP. 
Items include: 
- Cash and cash equivalent 
- Marketable securities 
- Inventories 
- Accounts receivable 
- Other current assets 
- Property, plant & equipment 
- Assets held for sale 
- Investment property 
- Deferred tax assets and liabilities 
- Intangible assets 
- Accounts payable 
- Notes payable 
- Accrued liabilities 
- Unearned revenue 
- Long-term financ...

Accounting and Finance: An Introduction - financial management & accounting
- Resume • 16 pages • 2023
- €5,99
- 2x vendu
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Beknopte samenvatting van de hoofdstukken 1 t/m 3 en 6 t/m 13 van het boek "Acounting and Finance: an introduction". Geschikt om te leren voor het tentamen van het vak financial management and accounting

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