Arrow - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Arrow ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 21 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Arrow.
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Notes of the videos from the CBT course
- Resume • 29 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €3,49
- 1x vendu
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I made notes on all of the videos that we have to watch for the exam of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Three of them are in Dutch because these videos were in Dutch. The video of half an hour about the downward arrow technique is not fully provided.

Samenvatting Geschiedenis van het economisch denken ( 1201TEWKOO) - Universiteit Antwerpen
- Resume • 55 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- €8,93
- 15x vendu
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Examen	1 
Overview van het vak (niet kennen)	1 
Inleiding	1 
DEEL I: De Pre-klassieke periode	3 
H1: Pre-klassieke periode: Griekse oudheid – Scholastieken	3 
1.	Griekse oudheid	3 
1.1	Situering Griekse oudheid	3 
1.2	Plato	3 
1.3	Aristoteles	3 
1.4	Conclusie	4 
2	Scholastieken	4 
2.1	Situering	4 
2.2	De Rechtvaardige prijs	4 
2.3	Het interestverbod	5 
2.4	Kritiek interestverbod	5 
2.5	Geld	5 
2.6	De Vlaamse jezuïet Leonardus Lessius	6 
H2: Pre-Klassieke periode: Mercantilisme, Petty, Cantill...

Summary Leading Change and Projects
- Resume • 73 pages • 2021
- €10,49
- 13x vendu
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An extensive collection of academic articles and lectures relating to the concepts of Change Management and Project Management. Includes topics such as Change Leadership, Management Fashions, N-Step models, Change Capacity, Future Perfect Strategy, Work-Related Identity, Quantum Theory, the "Inner game of change" and the Engage! booklet.

Thème 4 microéconomie
- Notes de cours • 9 pages • 2025
- Disponible en pack
- €5,36
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- théorème d'Arrow & utilité sociale 
- main invisible ou dilemme du prisonnier 
- externalités 
- choix individuels au choix social 
- choix sociale et fiscalité

- Examen • 42 pages • 2024
- €13,26
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Which of the following techniques are not incorporated into the Feared Fantasy Technique (FFT)? 
A) Examine the evidence 
B) Vertical Arrow Technique 
C) Role Playing 
D) Coping Cards 
E) All of the above are part of the FFT☑️Correct Ans-D) Coping cards
Review questions on articles of week 4 on General Equilibrium, articles from Arrow & Debreu and Von Neumann & Morgenstern

A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking - Summary
- Resume • 3 pages • 2024
- €4,96
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This summary of A Brief History of Time organizes the twelve chapters of Stephen Hawking's book into five thematic sections, making the more complex conceptions in cosmology and theoretical physics a little easier to understand. Key notions discussed in greater detail include the history of scientific thinking, the beginning and structure of the universe, the nature of time, the unified theory, and the future of cosmology. This book, perfect for students and enthusiasts alike, elucidates in a...
In dit document zijn alleen de arresten van Public International Law uitgebreid besproken.

Samenvatting EOF- bachelor jaar 1
- Resume • 8 pages • 2023
- €4,99
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Samenvatting van het boek 'Stiglitz, J. E., & Rosengard, J. K. (2015). Economics of the public sector: Fourth international 
student edition. WW Norton & Company'. H1-6, 8-9 & 17. Voor het vak economie en openbare financiën voor B&O Utrecht.

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