Basic immunology - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
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Samenvatting Basic Immunology, Moleculaire En Cellulaire Immunologie (1019FBDBIC)
- Resume • 66 pages • 2023
- €12,49
- 1x vendu
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Aantekeningen + volledige samenvatting voor het vak moleculaire en cellulaire immunologie. Omvat alle lessen super uitgebreid besproken.

Algemene immunologie: lesnotities/samenvatting
- Resume • 47 pages • 2024
- €20,49
- 2x vendu
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17/20!!! Samenvatting/lesnotities van Algemene immunologie, geven in de opleiding biomedische laboratoriumtechnologie aan UCLL 
(jaar van Prof. Bossuyt)

Test Bank For Microbiology with Diseases by Body System 6th Edition (Bauman 2025) | Complete Chapters 1-27 | 100%Verified.
- Examen • 480 pages • 2025
- €19,94
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Test Bank For Microbiology with Diseases by Body System 6th Edition (Bauman 2023) | Complete Chapters 1-27 | 100%Verified. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, 6e (Bauman) Chapter 1 A Brief History of Microbiology Multiple Choice Questions 1) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was the first person in history to A) use a magnifying glass. B) develop a taxonomic system. C) view microorganisms and record these observations. D) disprove spontaneous generation. E) use the germ theory of disease. Answer: C ...

Samenvatting Basic Immunology - Abbas (5e editie) H1-3, 5-8
- Resume • 22 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
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Handige samenvatting van alle immunologie die besproken wordt tijdens Abdomen-1. Gedurende het blok wordt immunologie in losse delen besproken en is er geen overzicht van hoe immuniteit precies werkt. Deze samenvatting geeft een goed overzicht van de kernaspecten van het immuunsysteem die je moet kennen voor de abdomen-1 tentamens. Fun fact: door het leren m.b.v. deze samenvatting had ik een 10 voor mijn mondeling.

Test Bank For Anatomy Patton Thibodeau Physiology 7th Edition
- Examen • 2418 pages • 2024
- €11,39
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Patton and Thibodeau: Anatomy & Physiology, 7th Edition Chapter 1: Organization of the Body Test Bank TRUE/FALSE 1. A scientific theory is a fact. ANS: F DIF: Application REF: Page 4 TOP: Science and Society 2. A theory that is supported by repeated observation and experimentation is called a hypothesis. ANS: F DIF: Memorization REF: TOP: Science and Society 3. A theory may eventually become a law. ANS: T DIF: Memorization REF: TOP: Science and Society 4. In humans, all respiration occurs in the...

Bundel hoorcolleges werkcolleges opdrachten immunologie 1019FBDBIC
- Pack • 2 éléments • 2023
- €16,99
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Bevat 3 documenten
1. Samenvatting alle hoorcolleges boek basic immunology
2. Aantekeningen werkcolleges
3. Uitwerkingen opdrachten gegeven in de werkcolleges

Cell biology and Immunology Summary
- Resume • 53 pages • 2022
- €7,99
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The summary consists of the basic processes of cell biology and concepts of immunology. It focuses on topics like signal transduction, cell-cell communication, cytoskeleton, cell movement, cell cycle, cell death, multicellular development, tissue homeostasis, stem cells and cancer. The immunology part start with a short history of immunity after which basic principles of immunity, innate immunity, acquired immunity, immune response pathways to bacteria and virusses, and disorders of the immune...

Samenvatting en ZSO Immunologie (3de bachelor Biologie)
- Resume • 59 pages • 2021
- Disponible en pack
- €7,99
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Dit is de samenvatting van het volledige vak Immunologie gegeven door professor Hellings aan de UHasselt. Naast de samenvatting bevat dit ook ZSO 1 tot en met 9 die doorheen het semester vallen.

Lecture Notes - Tumor Immunology - week 1
- Notes de cours • 60 pages • 2020
Disponible en pack
- €3,99
- 1x vendu
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Lectures included: basic tumor immunology, cross-priming & cross-presentation, cross-talk between DC & macrophage in cancer, glycan alterations in immune escape mechanism, tumor & inflammation, MDSC/myeloid-derived suppressive cells, recombinant viral vector as cancer vaccine, tumor-immune cells interaction (case: CRC), transcriptional immune profiling

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