Factor analysis - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Factor analysis ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 149 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Factor analysis.
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Complete samenvatting diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening
- Resume • 31 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- €5,49
- 8x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Deze samenvatting (+ aantekeningen van hoorcolleges) is bedoeld voor studenten die de opleiding Pedagogische wetenschappen volgen aan Universiteit Leiden en in het 2e leerjaar zitten. Het bevat de stof dat wordt getoetst voor het vak diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening in blok 3. 
Het boek dat hiervoor gebruikt is: mastering modern psychological testing 
Isbn: 9781784476052 ( hoofdstuk 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 15, 16, 17 en 18) 
Verder zijn de volgende artikelen g...

All the information you need! Comprehensive summary of Premaster Research Practical
- Resume • 53 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €12,99
- 4x vendu
- + en savoir plus
The exam is divided into three parts: 
- The general part; how to write a scientific report 
- Quantitative data; 
- Qualitative data; coding 
The summary is also divided into these parts. I also have a practice test available, which corresponds with the summary. It consists of 95 open-ended questions. 
Example questions: 
9) Explain the Pendleton method 
20) What are common mistakes of the discussion and conclusion section? 
32) How to identify problematic scale items? 
67) Explain the d...

SUMMARY Test Theory; Ch. 1, 3-8, 12-15 & factor analysis
- Resume • 51 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
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My grade: 9 
;This is a summary based on lecture notes and the book "Psychological Testing, a Practical Introduction". However, note (!) that is a summary of the book based on the lecture notes (2023; RUG) so some topics might not have been discussed in the summary. 
GREY text: it was not relevant for our exam

Intro. To Research in Marketing Spring Summary
- Resume • 73 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €3,99
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This summary of Introduction to Research in Marketing includes all lectures with notes as well as a practice exam at the end of all the notes and lectures. 
- lecture 1: exploratory data analysis, sampling, framework errors 
- lecture 2: ANOVA 
- lecture 3 & 4: Linear Regression 
- lecture 5: Logistic Regression 
- lecture 6: Factor Analysis 
- lecture 7: Cluster Analysis 
- Practice Exam, including answers

Survey lecture notes + summary reading materials
- Resume • 56 pages • 2024
- €5,96
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
This summary contains the lecture notes of 7 lectures and summaries of associated reading materials. It also contains a clear and easy explanation of the factor analysis in Jamovi, and a short quiz about the lectures with answers.

Complete samenvatting psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect
- Resume • 56 pages • 2024
- €6,49
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Deze Nederlandse samenvatting (+ aantekeningen van hoorcolleges) is bedoeld voor studenten die het keuzevak/onderdeel van minor psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect volgen. Het bevat de stof dat wordt getoetst in blok 2. 
Let op: psychological and neurobiological consequences of child abuse and neglect is een Engelstalig vak maar deze samenvatting is geschreven in het Nederlands. 
Literatuur dat hiervoor is gebruikt: 
- The boy who was raised as a dog:...
Summary for the exam of Practical Training: Psychological Research

Summary Overview Marketing Research Methods 2024
- Resume • 28 pages • 2024
- €8,48
- 2x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Marketing Research Methods - Summary Overview. Perfect for the exam preparation, to get to know the basic definitions and interpretation of the research methods. 
- 7 Key Topics: Covers essential methods per lecture week: PCA, factor analysis, ANOVA, and ANCOVA. 
- Simple Definitions: Easy-to-understand explanations of complex terms. 
- Step-by-Step Guidance: Clear breakdowns of the statistical techniques. 
- Exam-Ready: Organized by lecture themes with quick key takeaways for ef...

Factor Analysis (Research Methods & Data Analysis) - WUR
- Resume • 9 pages • 2024
- €4,39
- + en savoir plus
This is a clear and comprehensive summary of factor analysis, which is half of the theory for the test of the WUR course 'Research Methods & Data Analysis' (YRM30806). 
Good luck with studying!

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