Leading change management - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Leading change management ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 26 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Leading change management.
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![NCOI module Adviesvaardigheden 2024, Business IT & Management, Reduceren administratiesystemen, GROWING, RASCI, SCARF, Cijfer 9 met FEEDBACK!](/docpics/6308612/66fc5fd23616e_6308612_121_171.jpeg)
![NCOI module Adviesvaardigheden 2024, Business IT & Management, Reduceren administratiesystemen, GROWING, RASCI, SCARF, Cijfer 9 met FEEDBACK!](https://media.s-bol.com/gvNqY0VApQ6/156x210.jpg)
NCOI module Adviesvaardigheden 2024, Business IT & Management, Reduceren administratiesystemen, GROWING, RASCI, SCARF, Cijfer 9 met FEEDBACK!
- Cas • 25 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €11,16
- 3x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Dit is een geslaagde NCOI module Adviesvaardigheden uit 2024. Onderwerp: een bedrijf heeft te veel registrateisystemen en moet deze terugbrengen tot 1. NCOI was blij met veel theorie en de layout en het onderwerp zelf, zie feedback. Best een stevige module, omdat je theorie aan praktijk moet koppelen. Ik heb alle bijlagen erin gelaten, scheelt weer werk. Cijfer 9.
![Samenvatting tentamen ORM K1 Retailmarketing en M&O - Avans 's-Hertogenbosch](/docpics/6606213/6732566faa5c4_6606213_121_171.jpeg)
![Samenvatting tentamen ORM K1 Retailmarketing en M&O - Avans 's-Hertogenbosch](https://media.s-bol.com/J1z1D99E9PGg/4J61o1/158x210.jpg)
Samenvatting tentamen ORM K1 Retailmarketing en M&O - Avans 's-Hertogenbosch
- Resume • 35 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- €15,49
- 2x vendu
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In deze samenvatting vind je de stof voor het tentamen in K2 van de opleiding Ondernemerschap & Retail Management op het Avans in 's-Hertogenbosch. 
De vakken die in de samenvatting terugkomen zijn Retailmarketing, waar het boek 'Category Management (4e druk)' wordt behandeld en het vak Management & Organisatie. 
Ik heb met deze samenvatting een 8,8 behaald!
![Essentials of Leading Change and Projects (E_BA_LCP) - Comprehensive Summary of all the articles](/docpics/6541408/6724f00fc9da8_6541408_121_171.jpeg)
Essentials of Leading Change and Projects (E_BA_LCP) - Comprehensive Summary of all the articles
- Resume • 123 pages • 2024
- €24,34
- + en savoir plus
This summary provides in-depth coverage of all essential articles from the Leading Change and Projects (E_BA_LCP) course. The articles are comprehensive and carefully summarised, focusing on the core topics that are central to the exam. This summary covers all the theories and models for strategic interventions, the synergy between project management and change management, and the balance between 'hard' management skills (such as planning and risk management) and 'soft' skills (such as motivatio...
Summary of the knowledge clips that are relevant for the exam!
![Summary MTC](/docpics/643d42dc84331_2613892.jpg)
Summary MTC
- Resume • 110 pages • 2023
- €8,48
- 2x vendu
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Lecture 1; 
 Tripsas, M. (2009). Technology, identity, and inertia through the lens of “The Digital Photography Company”. Organization Science, 20(2), 441-460. 
 Lyytinen, K., and Newman, M. (2008). Explaining Information Systems Change: A Punctuated Socio-Technical Change Model, European Journal of Information Systems(17:6), pp. 589-613. 
Lecture 2; 
1. Danneels, E. (2011). Trying to become a different type of company: Dynamic capability at Smith Corona. Strategic Management Journal, 3...
![Samenvatting - Leading Change and Projects (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)](/docpics/3777536/6548c7d28228b_3777536_121_171.jpeg)
Samenvatting - Leading Change and Projects (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Resume • 36 pages • 2023
- €8,09
- 2x vendu
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Samenvatting van de artikelen voor het vak Leading Change and Projects, onderdeel van de Master Leaderschip and Change Management aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. (Bijna) elk artikel is samengevat. 
Summary of articles for the course Leading Change and Projects, part of the Master Leaderschip and Change Management at the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. (Almost) every article is summarized.
![Summary + Tutorial Notes Sustainability - Strategies, Innovation & Change (EBM210A05)](/docpics/61fa7e771f689_1535208.jpg)
Summary + Tutorial Notes Sustainability - Strategies, Innovation & Change (EBM210A05)
- Resume • 50 pages • 2022
- €8,49
- 16x vendu
- + en savoir plus
Whiteman, G., Walker, B., & Perego, P. (2013). Planetary boundaries: Ecological foundations for corporate sustainability. Journal of Management Studies, 50(2), 307-336. 
 Ehrenfeld, J. R. (2008). Sustainability by design: A subversive strategy for transforming our consumer culture. Taylor and Francis, pp. 10-21. 
Camillus, J. C. (2008). Strategy as a wicked problem. Harvard Business Review, 86(5). Library Link Grewatsch S, Kennedy S, (Tima) Bansal P. Tackling wicked problems in strategic ma...
- Examen • 609 pages • 2023
- €22,56
- + en savoir plus
1.	What is the role of the NMC? 
a)	To represent or campaign on behalf of nurses and midwifes 
b)	To regulate hospital or other healthcare settings in the UK 
c)	To regulate health care assistance 
d)	To regulate nurses and midwives in the UK to protect the public 
2.	What is the purpose of The NMC Code? 
a)	It outlines specific tasks or clinical procedures 
b)	It ascertains in detail a nurse's or m...
![CFA Foundations Trouble Questions with correct Answers](/docpics/6420077cf148b_2517052.jpg)
CFA Foundations Trouble Questions with correct Answers
- Examen • 9 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €12,75
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Q. Which objective of documentation is fulfilled when documents ensure thoroughness and consistency of action, thus allowing a company to function more efficiently and effectively? - Answer- Organizing. B is correct. Organising is the objective of documentation that is fulfilled when documents ensure thoroughness and consistency of action, thus allowing a company to function more efficiently and effectively. A is incorrect because educating is achieved when documents inform or provide instructio...
![Samenvatting boek en alle artikelen van Organisatie, Technologie & Verandering 2023/2024](/docpics/5610860/6668674368236_5610860_121_171.jpeg)
![Samenvatting boek en alle artikelen van Organisatie, Technologie & Verandering 2023/2024](/docpics/books/9200000048180910.jpg)
Samenvatting boek en alle artikelen van Organisatie, Technologie & Verandering 2023/2024
- Resume • 51 pages • 2024
- €6,96
- + en savoir plus
Samenvatting van het gehele boek 'Exploring strategic change' van het vak Organisatie, Technologie & Verandering in 2023/2024. 
Daarnaast een samenvatting van alle verplichte artikelen: 
Beaudry, A., & Pinsonneault, A. 2005. Understanding user responses to informationtechnology: a coping model of user adaptation. MIS Quarterly, 29(3): 493-524.2. 
Ford, J.D., & Ford, L.W. 2010. Stop blaming resistance to change and start using it.Organizational Dynamics, 39(1): 24-36.3. 
Kotter, J.P. 20...
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