Marketing chapter 1 - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Marketing chapter 1 ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 165 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Marketing chapter 1.
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Thomas More - Social Media Skills - Summary
- Resume • 99 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- Disponible en pack
- €18,49
- 1x vendu
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Chapter 0. Introduction to Social Media Skills 
Chapter 1: Social Media Skill 1: Social Media Marketing... (Marketing is dead, long live marketing) 
Chapter 2: Social Media Skill 2: Making a social media marketing strategy & plan – do it yourself (with help of AI) 
Chapter 3: Social Media Skill 3: The power of creation (social media posts) 
Chapter 4: Social Media Skill 4: Critical thinking. The power of Media Literacy (how to fight fake news, embrace facts, know the difference with op...

Samenvatting taak 3 - ASM 1 - Strategie en marketing - Advanced studies in management 1
- Resume • 9 pages • 2025
- €4,49
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Het betreft een Engelstalige samenvatting van hoofdstuk 7 uit het boek Strategy, geschreven door o.a. Bob de Wit (2020). 
Dit is een onderdeel van week 3 (taak 3) van Strategie en marketing, ook wel Advanced studies in management 1 (ASM1). Het is een onderdeel van de master Managementwetenschappen aan de Open Universiteit.

Overview Product innovation in marketing 2023/2024
- Resume • 77 pages • 2024
- €9,16
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This document contains all questions and answers for the exam in June 2024 for Product innovation in marketing (by Prof. dr. Annouck Lievens). It is structured by chapter (from 1 to 7) and ends with the answers to the guest speakers. You may DM me for a lower price as well, I respond fast.

Summary Marketing for Pre-master Midterm 1 Chapter 1 - 6
- Resume • 34 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €7,49
- 8x vendu
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A summary of the book Hoyer/MacInnis/Pieters' Consumer Behavior, 8th Edition which is required to study for the course Marketing for pre-master when following the pre master Marketing Management at Tilburg University. The chapters 1 until 6 are summarised which are required to know for the first mid term of the course.

Marketing Communication Exam Part B
- Resume • 38 pages • 2024
- €10,49
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This is a summary for Marketing Communication, part of the Masters program of Persuasive Communication at the UvA. All literature for part B is summarized including all the articles. 
- Belch, G. E., & Belch M. A. (2021/2022). Chapter 4: Perspectives on consumer behavior. 
- Kahneman, D. (2003). A perspective on judgment and choice: Mapping bounded ra- tionality. American Psychologist, 58(9), 697–720. 
- The Behavioral Architects. (n.d.). Framing: expanding the framing toolbox. ...

Summary Pre-master Marketing Management: Consumer Behavior - chapter 1/6
- Resume • 42 pages • 2024
- €8,99
- 7x vendu
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Summary of the chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (excluding appendixes) of the textbook Consumer Behavior 8th edition (ISBN : 9780357721292) for the course Pre-Master Marketing Management at Tilburg University

Summary of the book, articles and tutorials for the course International Business and Supply Chain Marketing
- Resume • 72 pages • 2023
- €10,49
- 9x vendu
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Summary of the book, articles and tutorials for the course International Business and Supply Chain Marketing. 
Chapter 1-11 & 13-15, articles and tutorials
Summaries for all chapters of the book consumer behavior 8th edition, chapter 1 till 14 for the premaster Marketing Management at Tilburg University

Samenvatting Business Management & Entrepreneurship (006817)
- Resume • 74 pages • 2022
- €8,99
- 8x vendu
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Eng: Lectures prof. Marc Goldchstein + guest speakers 
NL: Hoorcolleges prof. Marc Goldchstein + gastcolleges 
The whole document is written in English. 
Chapter 1: Business Ecosystems 
Chapter 2: Innovation 
Chapter 3: Entrepreneurial Strategy 
Chapter 4: Marketing 
Chapter 5: Intellectual Property 
Chapter 6: Finance 
Chapter 7: Entrepreneurial Teams 
Chapter 8: Legal Aspects 
# pages: 74 

Thomas More - Business Intelligence Lab - Full Summary + Guest Lecture Notes + Book Summary
- Resume • 40 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- €18,49
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Thomas More - Business Intelligence Lab - Hans Thomas 
Chart Analysis 
Guest Lecture 1: Marketing Content 
Guest Lecture 1: Marketing KPI’s 
Guest Lecture 2: HR Content 
Guest Lecture 2: HR KPI’s 
Guest Lecture 3: Supply Chain Content 
Guest Lecture 3 : Supply Chain KPI’s 
Guest Lecture 4: Finance Content 
Guest Lecture 4: Finance KPI’s 
Book Summary 
Chapter 1: Driven by data, decisions, or preferences? 
Chapter 2: Decisions 

Summary all Chapters Marketing (A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition)
- Resume • 74 pages • 2023
- €8,97
- 1x vendu
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Are you struggling to keep up with the Marketing course? Do you find it challenging to stay on top of all the lecture material and required readings and does it take you an incredible amount of time to summaries all chapters from the book? Look no further than this complete and detailed summary including all chapters from week 1 to 6 (Chapter 1,2,3 Week 1, Chapter 4,5,6 Week 2, Chapter 7,8 Week 3, Chapter 9,10,11,12,13 Week 4, Chapter 14,15,16,17 Week 5, Chapter 7,18 Week 6 from the book A Fram...

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