Revolutions - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Revolutions ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 34 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Revolutions.
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Samenvatting artikelen science of happiness (201900028)
- Resume • 72 pages • 2025
- €6,09
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Samenvatting van alle artikelen van 'science of happiness' (). 
- Helliwell, J.F., & Aknin, L.B. (2018). Expanding the social science of happiness. Nature Human Behaviour, 2, 248-252. 
- Lucas, R. E. (2018). Reevaluating the strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures of subjective well-being. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), Handbook of well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF Publishers. DOI: 
- Norrish, J.M., & Vella-Brodrick, D.A. (2008). Is the study of happiness a worthy scient...

College aantekeningen The Governance and Politics of Social Problems (S_GPSP)
- Notes de cours • 51 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- €7,50
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Democracy and the constitutional rule of law (elections are not necessarily democratic): representative, liberal and parliamentary democracy in Europe; 
Majoritarian versus consensus democracy: logic of power sharing versus power concentration and the institutional frameworks related with these models, including parliamentary versus presidential systems; 
Electoral systems: electoral formulae, number of districts and district magnitude/proportionality, control by political elites (gerrymandering...

Intelligence Revolutions Lecture Notes (Lectures 1-7) - GRADE 7,5
- Notes de cours • 27 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €8,99
- 12x vendu
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Notes on the lectures from the course (2023) Intelligence Revolutions. INCLUDES notes from lectures 1-7 (Total: 27 pages).

Intelligence Revolutions Notes on *SOME* Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Resume • 16 pages • 2023
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- €13,99
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Summary of *SOME* of the reading materials for the final exam (2023) for Intelligence Revolutions. INCLUDES notes from (Total: 16 pages): 
Daniel Byman’s article (2013) “The Intelligence War on Terrorism” in “Intelligence and National Security”, pp. 837-863. 
Charles Cogan’s article (2004) “Hunters not Gatherers: Intelligence in the Twenty-First Century” in “Intelligence and National Security”, pp. 304-321. 
Richard Aldrich’s article (2021) “From SIGINT to Cyber: A ...

Intelligence Revolutions Notes and *SOME* Required Readings - GRADE 7,5
- Pack • 2 éléments • 2023
- €16,99
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Summary and notes of the material for the final exam (2023) for Intelligence Revolutions. Includes all lecture notes covered during the course and *SOME* of the readings.

Minor Intelligence Studies 2023-2024 Yearly Overview
- Autre • 2 pages • 2023
- €3,99
- 6x vendu
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Yearly overview summary of the class materials and deadlines for block 1 of the Intelligence Studies minor (2023). INCLUDES a link to a Google Sheet (found on page 1) with the readings and deadlines from the following classes: 
Introduction to Secret Affairs 
Intelligence Failures 
Intelligence Revolutions 
Qualitative Analysis Techniques for Intelligence Studies

Current Practices in Quantitative Literacy
- Examen • 200 pages • 2024
- €15,65
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The MAA Notes Series, started in 1982, addresses a broad range of topics and themes of interest to all who are in 
volved with undergraduate mathematics. The volumes in this series are readable, informative, and useful, and help the 
mathematical community keep up with developments of importance to mathematics. 
 Council on Publications 
 Roger Nelsen, Chair 
 Notes Editorial Board 
 Sr. Barbara E. Reynolds, Editor 
 Stephen B Maurer, Editor-Elect 
 Paul E. Fishback, Associate Editor 
 Jack Boo...

Economy: Africa Readings summary of week 4: African Economic Policies + lecture notes
- Resume • 25 pages • 2022
- €3,69
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T.J. Moss and D. Resnick, ch. 7 “The Political Economy of Policy Reform” in African Development: Making Sense of Issues and Actors, Rienner (2017) pp. 113-129. 
A. El-Sayed El-Naggar, ch. 2 “Economic policy: from state control to decay and corruption”, in Egypt: The Moment of Change, R. El-Mahdi and P. Marfleet, eds. Zed Books (2009) pp. 34-50. 
M. El Mouhoub, “Political Economy of Arab Revolutions: Analysis and Prospects for NorthAfrican Countries”, Mondes en développement, 1...

Class notes Philosophy of Science (5182V8PS)
- Notes de cours • 91 pages • 2022
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- €10,49
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This document entails all the lecture notes for the course Philosophy of Science (PoS). The topics include (but are not limited to): ways of knowing, scientific laws and induction, falsificationism, paradigms and revolutions, methodologies of analogies and models, quantitative/qualitative approaches to PoS, rationality, interpretation, as well as absolutism vs relativism. A table of contents is included in order to make finding a specific topic within the 90+ page document easy and fast!

Philosophy of Science 2021-2022
- Resume • 25 pages • 2022
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- €6,99
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This is a collection of lecture notes and text summaries from the Philosophy of Science course in 2021. It includes ideas on ideas like induction, deduction, falsificationism, underdeterminism, kuhn's paradism shifts, reductionism and many texts by specific thinkers

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