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7 Avis reçus

21 éléments

Business Marketing Samenvatting Arteveldehogeschool - Lacour Isabelle

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Samenvatting van alle 10 de hoofdstukken van business marketing. 1. Introduction in the field of B2B Marketing 2. Difference between B2B and B2C Marketing 3. Characteristics of B2B Marketing 4. Strategic value of Procurement 5. Tactical Procurement process 6. Operational purchase process 7. Content Marketing 8. Omni channel approach in B2B marketing 9. Digital Transformation 10. Content Marketing 12. Data analytics. Use of Big Data Marketing 13. Account-based ...

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  • Resume
  •  • 94 pages • 
  • par axellecallebert • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
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Retail Marketing Samenvatting - Pauline Steelandt - Arteveldehogeschool

3x  vendu

Retail Marketing Samenvatting - Pauline Steelandt - Arteveldehogeschool Samenvatting van de lessen. 1. Het retail landschap 2. 4P's & retail 3. Trends in retail 4. Sustainability en retail NIET inclusief: slides van gastcollege

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  • Resume
  •  • 67 pages • 
  • par axellecallebert • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
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Samenvatting Strategische Eventorganisatie

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Samenvatting Strategische Eventorganisatie Vak van 2021-2022, opleiding Event- & Projectmanagement Incl alle hoofdstukken van PowerPoints en gastcolleges. Docenten: Asger De Loof & Laurens Vervynck

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  • Resume
  •  • 65 pages • 
  • par axellecallebert • 
  • publié  2022
Aperçu Rapide
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