Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur ibmfromhome.
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4 Avis reçus
10 éléments
Economics Exam Sheet
Summary of what was asked on two different economic exams during the year 2016-2017.
This summary contains 4 pages.
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 4 pages •
Summary of what was asked on two different economic exams during the year 2016-2017.
This summary contains 4 pages.
Management Summary
Management summary including mock exam with answers and notes Re-Vive seminary.
This summary resulted in a 15/20, so I highly recommend studying this!
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 22 pages •
Management summary including mock exam with answers and notes Re-Vive seminary.
This summary resulted in a 15/20, so I highly recommend studying this!
Business Economics
Full summary of business economics.
Including all exercises, highlighted important concepts and an exam sheet from last year.
This summary got me 14/20, so I highly recommend using this!
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 34 pages •
Full summary of business economics.
Including all exercises, highlighted important concepts and an exam sheet from last year.
This summary got me 14/20, so I highly recommend using this!
Accounting Summary
Full summary of the first year course accounting, I personally made this and got a 15/20 with this summary. 

- Book & Paket-Deal
- Resume
- • 44 pages •
Full summary of the first year course accounting, I personally made this and got a 15/20 with this summary. 

International Trade Law
Complete summary of Mr. De Bruyn's part of international trade -> Law, this summary over sees every aspect which talked in class and really important for the exam.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 31 pages •
Complete summary of Mr. De Bruyn's part of international trade -> Law, this summary over sees every aspect which talked in class and really important for the exam.
Corporate Finance 2IBM
Full summary of Corporate Finance, including all the solutions of the exercises that the teacher has provided.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Resume
- • 72 pages •
Full summary of Corporate Finance, including all the solutions of the exercises that the teacher has provided.
People Management 2IBM
Providing in-depth and short summary of whole course.

- Package deal
- Resume
- • 44 pages •
Providing in-depth and short summary of whole course.

International Trade Law
Accounting Summary
Corporate Finance 2IBM
International Tax 2IBM