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16 éléments

HIR Chapter 13 schematized

0x  vendu

This one is a bit different than the others. This is chapter 13 of the book 'a political history of the world' by Jonathan Holslag. As there is no clear seperation between the different political areas, it is not in the scheme as previous schematizations. Be careful, a lot of more general knowledge, e.g. dates of World Wars etc. are being left out as i assumed this is general knowledge. If you miss something, just check the book althought this is a quite broad overview of everything.

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  •  Book & Paket-Deal
  • Resume
  •  • 12 pages • 
  • par landergoossens • 
  • publié  2022
Aperçu Rapide
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Summary History international relations - Jonathan Holslag VUB

3x  vendu

This is the book 'a political history of the world' by Jonathan Holslag summarized and schematized in the way proposed in the seminares. Be careful, chapter 13 is a bit different as this chapter does not contain clear seperations in areas. Total price everything seperate = €71.37 Good luck, you can do this!

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  • Pack
  •  • 13 éléments • 
  • par landergoossens • 
  • publié  2022
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