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Résumés les plus vendus pour BTEC Level 3 National Construction and the Built Environment Student Book
Unit 4 Construction Technology
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- 9,31 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
Summarise the design and construction of external works on new construction projects. 
Explain the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within new construction projects. 
Discuss the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System. 
Analyse the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System.
- Réponses • 12 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
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- 12,41 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 12 pages
Assignment 2 Unit 15 Building Surveying in Construction and the built environment.
- Réponses • 8 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
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Aperçu 2 sur 8 pages
Assignment 1 Unit 15 Building Surveying in Construction and the built environment.
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unit 10 assignment 2
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
- 12,91 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 24 pages
a distinction level assignment of unit 10 assignment 2
unit 10 assignment
- Dissertation • 15 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
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- 13,53 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 15 pages
this is a distinction level assignment its about surveying in building and construction
Essay Unit 4 - Construction Technology BTEC Level 3 National Construction and the Built Environment, ISBN: 9781846906565
- Dissertation • 18 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- 12,91 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 18 pages
unit 4 assignment 2 distinction level
Built Environment Level 3 Unit 4
- Dissertation • 17 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- 9,93 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 17 pages
Explain the different types of investigation used to provide information required for the design of foundations for low-rise buildings. 
Explain the different types of foundation used for low-rise buildings. 
Describe the principles of foundation design and how they impact on the choice of foundation type for low-rise buildings. 
Discuss the principles of foundation design and how they impact on the choice of foundation type for low-rise buildings. 
Explain the construction details used in the c...
Built Environment Level 3 Construction Tecnology
- Dissertation • 13 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- 13,65 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Explain the different structural forms used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Discussing the use of different structural forms for use with a given low-rise buildings project scenario.
Built Environment Level 3 Construction Tecnology
- Dissertation • 13 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- 13,65 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Explain the different structural forms used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Discussing the use of different structural forms for use with a given low-rise buildings project scenario.
Unit 4 Construction Technology
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- 9,31 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
Summarise the design and construction of external works on new construction projects. 
Explain the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within new construction projects. 
Discuss the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System. 
Analyse the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System.
Derniers résumés de BTEC Level 3 National Construction and the Built Environment Student Book
unit 10 assignment 2
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 12,91 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 24 pages
a distinction level assignment of unit 10 assignment 2
unit 10 assignment
- Dissertation • 15 pages • 2023 Nouveau
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- 13,53 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 15 pages
this is a distinction level assignment its about surveying in building and construction
Essay Unit 4 - Construction Technology BTEC Level 3 National Construction and the Built Environment, ISBN: 9781846906565
- Dissertation • 18 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 12,91 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 18 pages
unit 4 assignment 2 distinction level
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Unit 4 Construction Technology
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 9,31 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
Summarise the design and construction of external works on new construction projects. 
Explain the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within new construction projects. 
Discuss the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System. 
Analyse the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System.
Unit 4 Construction Technology
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 9,31 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
Summarise the design and construction of external works on new construction projects. 
Explain the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within new construction projects. 
Discuss the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System. 
Analyse the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System.
Unit 4 Construction Technology
- Dissertation • 24 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 9,31 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
Summarise the design and construction of external works on new construction projects. 
Explain the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within new construction projects. 
Discuss the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System. 
Analyse the design and construction of external works for new construction projects including the incorporation of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System.
Built Environment Level 3 Unit 4
- Dissertation • 17 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 9,93 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 17 pages
Explain the different types of investigation used to provide information required for the design of foundations for low-rise buildings. 
Explain the different types of foundation used for low-rise buildings. 
Describe the principles of foundation design and how they impact on the choice of foundation type for low-rise buildings. 
Discuss the principles of foundation design and how they impact on the choice of foundation type for low-rise buildings. 
Explain the construction details used in the c...
Built Environment Level 3 Unit 4
- Dissertation • 17 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 9,31 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 17 pages
Explain the different types of investigation used to provide information required for the design of foundations for low-rise buildings. 
Explain the different types of foundation used for low-rise buildings. 
Describe the principles of foundation design and how they impact on the choice of foundation type for low-rise buildings. 
Discuss the principles of foundation design and how they impact on the choice of foundation type for low-rise buildings. 
Explain the construction details used in the c...
Built Environment Level 3 Construction Tecnology
- Dissertation • 13 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 13,65 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Explain the different structural forms used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Discussing the use of different structural forms for use with a given low-rise buildings project scenario.
Built Environment Level 3 Construction Tecnology
- Dissertation • 13 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- 13,65 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Explain the different structural forms used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Discussing the use of different structural forms for use with a given low-rise buildings project scenario.
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