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Résumés les plus vendus pour Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Coursebook with CD-ROM
AS Level Biology Practical Notes
- Study guide • 24 pages • 2019 Très apprécié
- 4,40 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
this document contains procedures for practicals in biology a levels for CIE particularly in paper 3.It contains eplained procedures of every experiment which helps candidates to understand the practical.
[9700] CIE A-Level Biology Unit 19: Genetic Technology
- Resume • 12 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
- 8,69 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 12 pages
This section of my a-level biology summarised notes covers the topic 'Genetic Technology' in CIE 9700 Biology. These are simple, stylised note pack which are perfect for A2 biology revision. They cover the topic in the CIE 2019-2021 syllabus with needed detail to ensure you get the perfect score. 
Juggling 4 different A-level subjects all at once can be extremely challenging, but I was able to use my time more efficiently by using summarised notes over the 300-page textbook that went into too mu...
[9700] CIE A-Level Biology Unit 14: Homeostasis
- Resume • 6 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
- 8,69 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
This section of my summarised notes covers the topic 'Homeostasis' in CIE 9700 Biology. These are simple, stylised note pack which are perfect for A2 biology revision. They cover the topic in the CIE 2019-2021 syllabus with needed detail to ensure you get the perfect score. 
Juggling 4 different A-level subjects all at once can be extremely challenging, but I was able to use my time more efficiently by using summarised notes over the 300-page textbook that went into too much irrelevant detail. U...
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[9700] CIE A-Level Biology Unit 15: Control and Coordination
- Resume • 8 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
- 8,69 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 8 pages
This section of my summarised notes covers the topic 'Control and Coordination' in CIE 9700 Biology. These are simple, stylised note pack which are perfect for A2 biology revision. They cover the topic in the CIE 2019-2021 syllabus with needed detail to ensure you get the perfect score. 
Juggling 4 different A-level subjects all at once can be extremely challenging, but I was able to use my time more efficiently by using summarised notes over the 300-page textbook that went into too much irrelev...
[9700] CIE A-Level Biology Unit 12: Energy and Respiration
- Resume • 5 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
- 8,69 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 5 pages
This section of my summarised notes covers the topic 'Energy and Respiration' in CIE 9700 Biology. These are simple, stylised note pack which are perfect for A2 biology revision. They cover the topic in the CIE 2019-2021 syllabus with needed detail to ensure you get the perfect score. 
Juggling 4 different A-level subjects all at once can be extremely challenging, but I was able to use my time more efficiently by using summarised notes over the 300-page textbook that went into too much irrelevan...
17 Selection and Evolution (diagrams, key points, summary)
- Examen • 11 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
Disponible en pack
- 7,35 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 11 pages
Scored an A* | A Level Biology notes with contents arranged according to the learner guide. Contains diagrams, easily understood by visual learners. Consists of key points, not too further elaborated, short, concise and straight to the point to equip you for the exam.
Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Ch 1-Cell Structure Exam Questions with Answers
- Réponses • 8 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
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- 3,42 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 8 pages
Here are concise answers to exam questions for A Levels Biology Chapter 1-Cell Structure
15 Control and coordination (diagrams, key points, summary)
- Examen • 19 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
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- 7,35 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 19 pages
Scored an A* | A Level Biology notes with contents arranged according to the learner guide. Contains diagrams, easily understood by visual learners. Consists of key points, not too further elaborated, short, concise and straight to the point to equip you for the exam.
16 Inherited Change (diagrams, key points, summary)
- Examen • 26 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
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- 7,35 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 26 pages
Scored an A* | A Level Biology notes with contents arranged according to the learner guide. Contains diagrams, easily understood by visual learners. Consists of key points, not too further elaborated, short, concise and straight to the point to equip you for the exam.
Energy and Respiration A Level Biology Past papers topical solved and marked.
- Examen • 7 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
Disponible en pack
- 8,33 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 7 pages
The document contains questions that are from past papers for the topic energy and respiration. The questions cover a long period of past paper years.
Derniers résumés de Cambridge International AS and A Level Biology Coursebook with CD-ROM
- Resume • 5 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- 10,29 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 5 pages
Providing simiplified hand written notes of the photosynthesis with some illistractions.
Biology AS Best summary notes
- Resume • 16 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- 12,74 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 16 pages
A summary of all the details needed to score the marks and more on your biology exam. covering cell membrane structure, carbs and amino acid structure, diffusion, osmosis, active transport, and primary structures.
Cell structure_ A level
- Notes de cours • 33 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- 8,23 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 33 pages
In this chapter, you will learn how to: 
-distinguish between light and electron microscope. 
-prepare microscope slides. 
-draw and measure cells. 
-calculate magnification of images and actual sizes of specimens. 
-recognise the basic structures found in animal, plant, bacterium and virus cells and also outline their functions. 
-compare the structure of prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic cells.
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The Cell Cycle and Mitosis with precise notes and mnemonics.
- Presentation • 9 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- 8,33 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 9 pages
This document is about the Cell Cycle and Mitosis. Notes are very precise, diagrams are very clear and you will be able to remember every event in no time with the help of mnemonics provided in the document. Furthermore, there are tables regarding total number of chromosomes and chromatids in every stage of both interphase and mitosis. This document covers every thing that you need to remember as an A level student.
AS & A Level Biology 9700 : Respiration, Immunity and Infectious Diseases
- Resume • 21 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- 6,81 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 21 pages
Structure of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli 
(photomicrograph and explanation) 
Role of macrophage, B&T lymphocyte, memory cell 
Example of active and passive immunity 
Cholera causes, transmission, and prevention 
Other diseases vector and transmission 
Cause of antibiotic resistance 
Structure and tissue function : Trachea, bronchus, alveoli 
Result of primary and secondary immune response 
Monoclonal antibodies 
Infectious diseases caused by virus (HIV, Chi...
AS & A Level Biology notes: Respiration, Gas Exchange, and Infectious Diseases
- Resume • 21 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- 6,81 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 21 pages
Structure of trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli (photomicrograph and explanation) 
Role of macrophage, B&T lymphocyte, memory cell 
Example of active and passive immunity 
Cholera causes, transmission, and prevention 
Other diseases vector and transmission 
Cause of antibiotic resistance 
Structure and tissue function : Trachea, bronchus, alveoli 
Result of primary and secondary immune response 
Monoclonal antibodies 
Infectious diseases caused by virus (HIV, Chick...
Biology (9700): Chapter 3, Enzymes
- Resume • 14 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 7,84 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 14 pages
Complete and concise notes on enzymes for A Level Biology (9700) with supporting syllabus points referenced to respective content.
Biology (9700): Chapter 4, Cell membrane and transport
- Notes de cours • 12 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 7,84 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 12 pages
Complete and concise notes on Cell membrane and transport for A Level Biology (9700) with supporting syllabus points referenced to respective content.
Biology (9700): Chapter 5, The mitotic cell cycle
- Notes de cours • 11 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 7,84 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 11 pages
Complete and concise notes on Nucleic acid and protein synthesis for A Level Biology (9700) with supporting syllabus points referenced to respective content.
Biology (9700): Chapter 6, Nucleic acid and protein synthesis
- Notes de cours • 17 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 8,23 €
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Aperçu 3 sur 17 pages
Complete and concise notes on Nucleic acid and protein synthesis for A Level Biology (9700) with supporting syllabus points referenced to respective content.
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