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Résumés les plus vendus pour Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism, Anarchism
Liberalism Key Thinker Posters
- Resume • 1 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
- 6,70 €
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A poster for each of the key thinkers for Liberalism for Edexcel A level Politics. Includes a summary of each of their views on the state; society, the economy and the human nature. 
Although it is difficult to categorise some thinkers, I have tried to divide them all into modern or classical liberals, apart from John Stuart Mill.
AQA A Level Politics Unit 3 (Feminism) Revision Notes
- Resume • 1 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
- 4,26 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 1 pages
A detailed summary of the views of the 5 main political thinkers in the 'Feminism' section of AQA A Level Politics unit 3. Includes details of: the background of key thinkers, their key ideas, highlighted key learning points as well as contextual knowledge on women's rights.
Liberalism Key Thinkers Summary
- Resume • 6 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
- 7,31 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
A summary for all 5 liberalism key thinkers for a level and their views on society, the state; the economy and the human nature.
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Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism and Anarchism: The AQA A-Level Politics Paper 3 A* Summary of Political Ideas
- Resume • 59 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
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- 7,31 €
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Aperçu 4 sur 59 pages
Clear, comprehensive and organised summary notes of the three core ideologies as well as anarchism. Optimized for the AQA A-Level Government and Politics Paper 3, this A* resource includes all the key thinkers, debates, ideological tensions and end-of-topic summarizations.
Feminism key thinkers for A level
- Resume • 3 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
- 6,70 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 3 pages
Notes on key thinkers for feminism, government and politics a level, with which I achieved an A* in my mock.
Liberal Key Thinker Posters
- Resume • 1 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
- 6,70 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 1 pages
A poster for each of the Liberalism key thinkers for a level politics, including John Locke; Mary Wollstonecraft; John Stuart Mill; John Rawls and Betty Friedan. Includes a summary of each of their views on society, the state; the human nature and the economy. 
Although difficult, where possible I have tried to classify each thinker as either a classical or modern liberal.
Derniers résumés de Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism, Anarchism
Liberal Key Thinker Posters
- Resume • 1 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 6,70 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 1 pages
A poster for each of the Liberalism key thinkers for a level politics, including John Locke; Mary Wollstonecraft; John Stuart Mill; John Rawls and Betty Friedan. Includes a summary of each of their views on society, the state; the human nature and the economy. 
Although difficult, where possible I have tried to classify each thinker as either a classical or modern liberal.
Liberalism Key Thinker Posters
- Resume • 1 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 6,70 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 1 pages
A poster for each of the key thinkers for Liberalism for Edexcel A level Politics. Includes a summary of each of their views on the state; society, the economy and the human nature. 
Although it is difficult to categorise some thinkers, I have tried to divide them all into modern or classical liberals, apart from John Stuart Mill.
Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism and Anarchism: The AQA A-Level Politics Paper 3 A* Summary of Political Ideas
- Resume • 59 pages • 2023 Nouveau
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- 7,31 €
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Aperçu 4 sur 59 pages
Clear, comprehensive and organised summary notes of the three core ideologies as well as anarchism. Optimized for the AQA A-Level Government and Politics Paper 3, this A* resource includes all the key thinkers, debates, ideological tensions and end-of-topic summarizations.
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Liberalism Key Thinkers Summary
- Resume • 6 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 7,31 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
A summary for all 5 liberalism key thinkers for a level and their views on society, the state; the economy and the human nature.
AQA A Level Politics Unit 3 (Feminism) Revision Notes
- Resume • 1 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- 4,26 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 1 pages
A detailed summary of the views of the 5 main political thinkers in the 'Feminism' section of AQA A Level Politics unit 3. Includes details of: the background of key thinkers, their key ideas, highlighted key learning points as well as contextual knowledge on women's rights.
Feminism key thinkers for A level
- Resume • 3 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- 6,70 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 3 pages
Notes on key thinkers for feminism, government and politics a level, with which I achieved an A* in my mock.
Socialism detailed A* essay plans (all 5 that can come up) also message me to buy individual ones.
- Dissertation • 12 pages • 2020 Nouveau
- 18,90 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 12 pages
Covers all 5 possible essays that can come up on socialism- human nature, state, society and economy essays alongside essay on overall disagreements and agreements. All essay plans have been created using A* essays and cover a wide range of examples and quotations from key speakers.
Anarchism full ideology notes
- Réponses • 13 pages • 2020 Nouveau
- 6,70 €
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Aperçu 1 sur 13 pages
A level Anarchism notes with table and 4 sets of 30 mark exam answers covering human nature, society, state and economy
- Notes de cours • 7 pages • 2019 Nouveau
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- 9,49 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 7 pages
A thorough summary of the chapter of Socialism including core ideas, different types of socialism and socialist view on human nature, society, state and economy.
- Notes de cours • 6 pages • 2019 Nouveau
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- 9,49 €
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Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
A thorough summary of the chapter of Liberalism including Liberalism's core ideas, types of liberalism and differing views.
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