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Derniers résumés de Introduction to Politics
ESCP Business School: Introduciton to Politics, Class Notes, ISBN: 9780198820611
- Notes de cours • 2 pages • 2021
- 12,99 €
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These class notes were taken in 2018 in the course called "Introduction to Politics" a Third Year Bachelor in Management course at ESCP Europe. The bundle of documents includes all sessions named after the topic of discussion. Each document includes graphs and explanations carefully conducted in bullet points to keep an overview of the information at hand.

Content summary:

- Polyarchy

- Business Power & Democratic Politics

- Constitutions

- Ideologies

- Special Interests & Lobbyism...
Notes de cours
ESCP Business School: Introduciton to Politics, Class Notes, ISBN: 9780198820611
Dernier document publié:
de cela
These class notes were taken in 2018 in the course called "Introduction to Politics" a Third Year Bachelor in Management course at ESCP Europe. The bundle of documents includes all sessions named after the topic of discussion. Each document includes graphs and explanations carefully conducted in bullet points to keep an overview of the information at hand. 
Content summary: 
- Polyarchy 
- Business Power & Democratic Politics 
- Constitutions 
- Ideologies 
- Special Interests & Lobbyism...
12,99 €
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Vous demandez-vous pourquoi tant d'étudiants portent de beaux vêtements, ont de l'argent à dépenser et profitent de beaucoup de temps libre ? Eh bien, ils vendent sur Stuvia ! Imaginez que vos notes d'étude soient téléchargées une dizaine de fois pour 15 € pièce. Chaque. Jour. Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia