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ENPC Questions and Answers 100% Correct

ENPC Exam Prep / Exam Questions and Answers 100% Correct Which of the following would be an abnormal finding in a patient with glomerulonephritis?Clear urine There is a decrease in urine output for patient's with glomerulonephritis. Urine would be concentrated and dark brown/tea-colored. Clear urin...

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ENPC Questions Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Components in the prioritization of pediatric emergency care (4)PAT, Focused Assessment (objective information), Focused pediatric Hx(subjective information), assignment of an acuity rating decision Pediatric Assessment Triangle : (3) componentsAppearance. Work of Breathing. Circulation to the s...

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ENPC Exam Prep / Exam Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Which of the following would be an abnormal finding in a patient with glomerulonephritis?Clear urine There is a decrease in urine output for patient's with glomerulonephritis. Urine would be concentrated and dark brown/tea-colored. Clear urine There is a decrease in urine output for patient's w...

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ENPC Test Questions Questions and Answers 100% Correct


An unresponsive 2-year-old child was found by his mother with a bottle labeled "Elavil 50 mg" by his side. Which piece of information is important to obtain from his mother? A. The size of the medication bottle. B. The expiration date of the medication. C. The number of pills left in the bottl...

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ENPC 5th edition Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Ask about any new bed-wetting or sleep disturbances Pediatric patients with anxiety and PTSD may present with physical complaints. Assess for other behavioral symptoms to facilitate appropriate care and follow-up.A 5 year-old with no health problems presents to the Emergency Department with a sud...

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ENPC Test Questions Questions and Answers 100% Correct


An unresponsive 2-year-old child was found by his mother with a bottle labeled "Elavil 50 mg" by his side. Which piece of information is important to obtain from his mother? A. The size of the medication bottle. B. The expiration date of the medication. C. The number of pills left in the bottl...

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ENPC 5th edition Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Ask about any new bed-wetting or sleep disturbances Pediatric patients with anxiety and PTSD may present with physical complaints. Assess for other behavioral symptoms to facilitate appropriate care and follow-up.A 5 year-old with no health problems presents to the Emergency Department with a sud...

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ENPC Exam 6th ed Questions and Answers 100% Correct


A 5-year-old child presents with hives, swelling of the lips and face, and stridor that developed about an hour after eating lunch. The child has no known allergies. Which of the following is the priority intervention? A. Administer intramuscular epinephrine B. Auscultate bilateral breath sounds...

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ENPC 4th Edition ~ Skills Checkoff Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Assess the Pt's level of consciousness/responsivenessIs the Pt awake/responsive or unconscious Primary Survey"A" - "E" Position Pt to open airway & keep C-Spine stableAirway & Alignment (C-Spine) Manually open the airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver to maintain C-Spine stabilization Demons...

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ENPC 6th Edition Course Exam Questions and Answers 100% Correct


A 4-year-old presents with vomiting, lethargy, frequent urination, weight loss, and dry mucous membranes. Vital signs reveal deep respirations at 44 breaths per minute, BP of 70/44 mm Hg, and HR of 144 beats per minute. Which of the following laboratory values would be most expected in this child...

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ENPC Questions Test A Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Components in the prioritization of pediatric emergency care (4)PAT, Focused Assessment (objective information), Focused pediatric Hx(subjective information), assignment of an acuity rating decision Pediatric Assessment Triangle : (3) componentsAppearance. Work of Breathing. Circulation to the s...

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ENPC Home Exam Questions and Answers 100% Correct


Tachycardia = an _______ sign of shockEarly What is a late sign of circulatory compromise in children?Hypotension Children can remain normotensive until about _____ percent of blood volume is lost25% What are two intervention you should always be doing?Applying oxygen Checking bedside blood gluc...

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Practice test ENPC Questions and Answers 100% Correct


A preschooler has a small laceration that required 2 stitches. The nurse covers the wound with a bandage knowing that it will comfort the child to have it covered. What is the developmental reason for this intervention.Preschoolers are magical thinkers and imagine bandages keep their insides from...

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