Black's Life The conditions of slavery
Slaves received a monthly food
allowance and an annual clothing
The consideration of black slaves allowance while they were of age, and a
child allowance was paid to their
The food allowance is 8 pounds of pork
The slave is cons ider ed as a Slaves are submissive to white men, or 8 pounds of fish and a bushel of corn.
prop erty like a hous e, if you are they cannot harm whites, either
Afric an you are also cons ider ed judicially or physically.
blac k, whe ther he is a slave or not. Slaves must remain in close proximity The annual clothing allowance
If a new born baby has one of his Slaves received only enough food to
to their owners' premises. consisted of two linen shirts, one pair of
pare nts as a slave , he is dest ined to keep them alive. Most plantation
The mother and child are separated as linen pants, one jacket, one pair of
beco me a slave . The statu s of the owners gave a ration of food at the
infants. This is a common custom in pants, one pair of socks and one pair of
child follo wed the statu s of the beginning of the week.
the Maryland area. shoes, for a total cost of $7 at the time.
This diet was low in vitamins and
moth er. Since the children could not work, they
Often, before the child has reached its minerals, and many slaves
The slave is no longer considered a were given shoes, socks, jackets and
twelfth month, its mother is taken slaves became ill.
Human, the slave owners treat and pants.
from it and hired out to a farm at a
beat them like animals. considerable distance, and the child is The slaves had no beds, unless a coarse blanket was considered as such, and only
They use them as tools. left in the care of an old woman, too the men and women had one. It was even more difficult for them to sleep,
old for the work of the fields. because they were on cold, wet ground and had to wake up at dawn to go to the
field and they stopped working at dusk. After all that work, they still have to
prepare for the day ahead.
The slave laws al rights (they
Slaves had few leg
they couldn't
couldn't be married,
their owner's
be away from
al to learn to
premises, it is illeg
read or write as a sla
t im portant laws
One of the mos
the Fugitive
about slaves was 1851 poster for The Fugitive Slave
which allowed
Slave Law of 1850, Law of 1850 discouraging aid to
White owner separating the mother and d to the free
her child,an illustration of 1862 all slaves who fle fugitive slaves, which led to mass
THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ed to become protests by Northerners.
states to be recaptur
slaves again.