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Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancasters Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022), Chapter 1-18 | All Chapters 29,35 €
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Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancasters Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022), Chapter 1-18 | All Chapters

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Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancasters Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022), Chapter 1-18 | All Chapters

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  • Community Health Nursing in Canada, MacDonald, 4e
  • Community Health Nursing in Canada, MacDonald, 4e

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Stanhope and Lancaster's Community Health Nursing in Canada
Sandra A. MacDonald, and Sonya L. Jakubec
4th Edition Table of Contents
Chapter 01 Community Health Nursing 1
Chapter 02 The Evolution of Community Health Nursing in Canada 8
Chapter 03 Community Health Nursing in Canada-Settings, Functions, and Roles 13
Chapter 04 Health Promotion 24
Chapter 05 Evidence-Informed Practice in Community Health Nursing 30
Chapter 06 Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice 35
Chapter 07 Diversity and Relational Practice in Community Health Nursing 43
Chapter 08 Epidemiological Applications 49
Chapter 09 Working With the Community 54
Chapter 10 Health Program Planning and Evaluation 58
Chapter 11 Working with the Individual as Client-Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan 63
Chapter 12 Working with Families 69
Chapter 13 Working with Groups, Teams, and Partners 74
Chapter 14 Indigenous Health-Working with First Nations People, Inuit, and Métis 82
Chapter 15 Working With People Who Experience Structural Vulnerabilities 86
Chapter 16 Communicable and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control 98
Chapter 17 Environmental Health 104
Chapter 18 Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness 109 Chapter 01: Community Health Nursing MacDonald/Jakubec: Stanhope and Lancaster's Communi ty Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following best describes community health nursing ? a. Giving care with a focus on the aggregate’s needs b. Giving care with a focus on the group’s needs c. Focusing on the health care of individual clients i n the community d. Working with an approach of unique client care ANS: C By definition, community health nursing is the heal th care of individual clients in the community. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Introduction OBJ: 1.6 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 2. Which of the following best describes primary health care ? a. A comprehensive way to address issues of social jus tice b. Giving care to manage acute or chronic conditions c. Giving direct care to ill individuals within their family setting d. Having the goal of health promotion and disease pre vention ANS: A By definition, primary health care is comprehensive and addresses issues of social justice and equity. Social justice in the context of health ref ers to ensuring fairness and equality in health services so that vulnerable individuals in society have easy access to health care. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Primary Health Care OBJ: 1.4 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 3. The health of which of the following is the primary focus of public health nurses (PHNs)? a. Families b. Groups c. Individuals d. Populations ANS: D PHNs use knowledge of nursing, social sciences, and public health sciences for the promotion and protection of health and for the prevention of disease among populations. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Public Health Practice OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 4. Which change is the primary explanation for life ex pectancy increasing so notably since the early 1900s? a. An increase in findings from medical laboratory res earch ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
1 | P a g e b. Incredible advances in surgical techniques and proc edures c. Improved sanitation and other public health activit ies d. Increased use of antibiotics to fight infections ANS: C Improvement in control of infectious diseases throu gh immunizations, sanitation, and other public health activities led to the increase in lif e expectancy since the early 1900s. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Public Health Practice OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 5. Which community health nursing practice area receiv es funding from the private sector? a. Telenurses b. Corrections nurses c. Nurse entrepreneurs d. Street or outreach nurses ANS: C The nurse entrepreneur receives private funding, wh ereas all of the other community health nurse (CHN) roles are with provincially or federall y funded positions. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Community Health Nursing Roles and Functions O BJ: 1.1 | 1.6 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 6. A public health nurse (PHN) strives to prevent dise ase and disability, often in partnership with other community groups. Which statement is an appro priate summary of the PHN’s role? a. The PHN asks the political leaders what interventio ns should be chosen. b. The PHN assesses the community and decides on appro priate interventions. c. The PHN uses data from the main health care institu tions in the community to determine needed health se rvices. d. The PHN works with community members to carry out p ublic health functions. ANS: D It is crucial that the PHN work with members of the community to carry out core public health functions. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Public Health Practice OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 7. Which of the following is used as a measurement of population health? a. Health status indicators b. The levels of prevention c. The number of memberships at the local fitness cent re d. Reported provincial alcohol and tobacco sales in an y given month ANS: A Population health refers to the health outcomes of a population as measured by determinants of health and health outcomes. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
2 | P a g e PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Populations and Aggregates OBJ: 1.2 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 8. A registered nurse (RN), has just been employed as a community health nurse (CHN). Which question would be most relevant to practice as the nurse begins her position? a. “Which community groups are at greatest risk for pr oblems?” b. “Which patients should I see first as I begin my da y?” c. “With which physicians will I be collaborating most closely?” d. “Who is the nursing assistant to whom I can refer p atients?” ANS: A CHNs apply the nursing process to the entire commun ity; asking which groups are at greatest risk reflects a community-oriented perspective. The other possible responses focus on particular individuals. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Populations and Aggregates OBJ: 1.6 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 9. The community health nurse (CHN) who is working wit h women at the senior citizens’ centre reminds them that the only way the centre will be a ble to afford a driver and a van service for those who cannot drive themselves is to continue to write letters to their local city council representatives, requesting funding for such a serv ice. What is the CHN doing? a. Ensuring that the women do not expect the CHN herse lf to do anything about their problem b. Demonstrating that she understands the women’s conc erns and needs c. Expressing empathy, support, and concern d. Helping the women engage in political action loc ally ANS: D CHNs have an imperative to work with the members of the community to carry out public health functions such as political action. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Public Health Practice OBJ: 1.5 | 1.6 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 10. Which activity is an example of the “advocate” role of the community health nurse? a. Organizing home care support for a newly discharged older client b. Acting as a member of a community action group for provision of accessible transit choices c. Doing prenatal assessments d. Facilitating a self -help group for smoking cessation ANS: B An advocate provides a voice to client concerns whe n acting as a member of a community action group for provision of accessible transit ch oices. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Community Health Nursing Roles and Functions O BJ: 1.6 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
3 | P a g e 11. In which scenario is the public health nurse (PHN) most comprehensively practising interprofessional collaboration? a. The PHN meets with several groups about community r ecreation issues. b. The PHN spends the da y attending meetings at various health agencies. c. The PHN talks to several people about their particu lar health concerns. d. The PHN watches television, including a telecast of a city council meeting on the local cable station. ANS: B Any of these might represent a public health nurse (PHN) communicating, cooperating, or collaborating with community residents or groups ab out health concerns. However, the PHN who spends the day attending meetings at various he alth agencies is most comprehensively fulfilling requirements effectively, since health i s broader than recreation, individual concerns are not as important as aggregate priorities, and w atching television is only one-way communication. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Synthesis/Synthesize REF: Collaborating in Interprofessional Teams OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 12. A community health nurse (CHN) often has to make re source allocation decisions. In such cases, which approach will most help the CHN to arr ive at the decision? a. Choosing a moral or ethical principle b. Choosing the cheapest, most economical approach c. Choosing the most rational outcome d. Choosing the needs of the aggregate, rather than th e needs of a few individuals ANS: D Although all of the answers represent components of the CHN’s decision-making process, the predominant needs of the population outweigh the ex pressed needs of one person or a few people. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Social Justice OBJ: 1.3 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 13. Which situation most closely represents the focus o f public health nursing? a. Assessing the services and effectiveness of the sch ool health clinic b. Caring for patients after their outpatient surgerie s c. Giving care to schoolchildren at the school clinic and to the children’s families d. Treating pediatric patients at an outpatient clinic ANS: A A public health or population-focused approach woul d consider the entire group of children receiving care, to see if services are effective in achieving the goal of improving the health of the school population. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Community Health Nursing Roles and Functions O BJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
4 | P a g e 14. Which public health service best represents primary prevention? a. Developing a health education program about the dan gers of smoking b. Providing a diabetes clinic for adults in low -income neighbourhoods c. Providing an influenza vaccination program in a com munity retirement village d. Teaching school -aged children about the positive effects of exercis e ANS: C Although all the services listed are appropriate an d valuable, providing influenza vaccines to healthy adults represents the primary level of heal th prevention. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Principles of Public Health Practice: Levels o f Intervention and Prevention OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 15. What term is used interchangeably with the term subpopulations ? a. Groups b. Aggregates c. Clients d. Communities ANS: B Generally, subpopulations are referred to as aggregates within the larger co mmunity population. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Populations and Aggregates OBJ: 1.2 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 16. Which public health service best represents secondary prevention? a. Administering the influenza vaccine to a community of seniors b. Initiating an infant car seat safety screening prog ram for parents in low-income housing c. Starting a rehabilitation clinic for middle-aged ad ults residing in low-income housing d. Setting up a support group for teenage mothers of i nfants with Down synd rome ANS: B Secondary prevention seeks to detect disease early in its progression—for example, through mass screening programs. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply REF: Principles of Public Health Practice: Levels o f Intervention and Prevention OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 17. Which type of thinking is most reflective of lookin g at a macroscopic, big-picture population focus? a. Collaborative thinkin g b. Upstream thinking c. Holistic thinking d. Downstream thinking ANS: B ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
5 | P a g e Upstream thinking uses a macroscopic, big-picture p opulation focus, whereas downstream thinking is a microscopic, individual curative focu s. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Principles of Public Health Practice: Levels o f Intervention and Prevention OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance 18. Which is a requirement for reaching the goal of “he alth for all”? a. Self-actualization b. A system for health c. Elimination of lower - and upper -class categories d. Total compliance with immunizations and vaccines wi th all groups ANS: B The requirements identified to reach the “health fo r all” goal include (1) basic needs, (2) belonging and engagement, (3) healthy living, and ( 4) a system for health. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Public Health Practice OBJ: 1.2 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 19. Which is the simplest definition of primary health care ? a. It is based on a multidisciplinary group of health care providers working as a team. b. It provides essential care that is universally acce ssible to persons in a community and encourages self -management, self -reliance, and competence. c. It focuses on health promotion and disease preventi on among those who can afford to engage in behaviours that facilitate them. d. It is based on local efforts to meet the Declaratio n of Alma-Ata, known as Health for All. ANS: B Primary health care is generally defined as essential care made univer sally accessible to individuals and families in a community with their full participation and at a cost that the community can afford. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Primary Health Care OBJ: 1.4 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 20. Which public health service best represents primary prevention? a. Administering the influenza vaccine to a group of s eniors b. Initiating an infant car seat safety screening prog ram for parents in low-income housing c. Starting a rehabilitation clinic for middle-aged ad ults who reside in low-income housing d. Setting up a blood pressure screening clinic at the local mall ANS: A Primary prevention activities seek to prevent the o ccurrence of a disease (based on the natural history of a disease) or an injury. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Application/Apply ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
6 | P a g e REF: Principles of Public Health Practice: Levels o f Intervention and Prevention OBJ: 1.5 TOP: Health Promotion and Maintenance ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
7 | P a g e Chapter 02: The Evolution of Community Health Nursi ng in Canada MacDonald/Jakubec: Stanhope and Lancaster's Communi ty Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which one of the following is a reason to study nur sing history? a. To fulfill provincial/territorial nursing requireme nts b. To help fill up the necessary credit hours for grad uation c. To meet accreditation requirements d. To understand the present and plan for tomorrow ANS: D One of the best ways to make plans for today and to morrow is to look at the past to see what did or did not work. Lessons learned through histor y provide direction for current and future community health nursing practice. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: Introduction OBJ: 2.1 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 2. Which group was the first to establish hospitals? a. Feudal lords, to keep their peons working b. Small towns, to care for their own citizens c. The military, to enable soldiers to keep fighting d. Religious orders, to care for the sick, poor, and n eglected ANS: D Historically, most people were responsible for thei r own health care services. However, during the Middles Ages, religious convents and mon asteries established hospitals to care for the aged, disabled, orphaned, sick, poor, and negle cted. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: The Global Historical Roots of Public Health O BJ: 2.1 TOP: Safe and Effective Care Environment 3. The Industrial Revolution caused earlier caregiving approaches—where care was provided by families, friends, and neighbours—to become inadequ ate because of constantly increasing demand. Which situation also contributed to the ina dequacy of caregiving approaches at this time? a. Ongoing wars, which caused frequent deaths and inju ries b. Horrific plagues that swept through Europe c. Migration and urbanization d. The need to pay caregivers ANS: C Older forms of care became inadequate because of th e social changes in Europe, with great advances in transportation, communication, and othe r technologies. Increased mobility led to increased demand for health care, migration, and ur banization. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge/Remember REF: The Global Historical Roots of Public Health O BJ: 2.1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Stanhope and Lancaster’s Community Health Nursing in Canada, 4th Edition (MacDonald, 2022)
8 | P a g e

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