International Relation Theories
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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Lecture notes International Relation Theories (IRTheory)
- Notes de cours • 38 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- 9,96 €
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The objective of the course is to provide students with foundational knowledge of International Relations theory that will serve as the basis for the Master in International Relations (MIR), the Research Master in International Studies (RMIS), and the Mundus MAPP by demonstrating the diversity of theories that reflect the complexity of world politics. Additionally, each lecture is structured around a central set of questions that serves to demonstrate how theories can be applied to the sorts of ...
Notes de cours
Lecture notes International Relation Theories (IRTheory)
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de cela
The objective of the course is to provide students with foundational knowledge of International Relations theory that will serve as the basis for the Master in International Relations (MIR), the Research Master in International Studies (RMIS), and the Mundus MAPP by demonstrating the diversity of theories that reflect the complexity of world politics. Additionally, each lecture is structured around a central set of questions that serves to demonstrate how theories can be applied to the sorts of ...
9,96 €
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Combien avez-vous déjà dépensé pour Stuvia ? Imaginez que vous soyez beaucoup plus nombreux à payer pour des notes d'étude, mais cette fois-ci, c'est VOUS qui vendez. Ka-ching ! Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia