Law and Politics
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Essay on “Several meanings of Politics in judicial politics study: Why ideological influence is not partisanship?”
- Dissertation • 6 pages • 2023
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This is an essay that looks into Tamanaha's work “Several meanings of Politics in judicial politics study: Why ideological influence is not partisanship?”, and provides supportive examples and arguments, as well as counteracts with his arguments.
Several meanings of Politics in judicial politics study: Why ideological influence is not partisanship?”
- Presentation • 10 pages • 2023
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- 4,49 €
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It is a 10-slide presentation related to an essay (which can be found in Law and Politics Package) discussing the topic of "Several meanings of Politics in judicial Politics study: Why ideological influence is not partisanship?”. It provides major examples and counter-arguments for the topic of partisanship in judicial processes.
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