Techniques of international trade
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Examen Techniques of international trade
- Examen • 5 pages • 2023
- 9,39 €
- + en savoir plus
Question 1 (5 points):

 Which mean of transport would you recommend for this type of cargo

regarding its size, characteristics and origin? (3 points)

 As it will be containerised freight, what recommendations would you make? (2 points)

Question 2 (3 points):


Question 3 ...........
Examen Techniques of international trade
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de cela
Question 1 (5 points): 
 Which mean of transport would you recommend for this type of cargo 
regarding its size, characteristics and origin? (3 points) 
 As it will be containerised freight, what recommendations would you make? (2 points) 
Question 2 (3 points): 
Question 3 ...........
9,39 €
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Combien avez-vous déjà dépensé pour Stuvia ? Imaginez que vous soyez beaucoup plus nombreux à payer pour des notes d'étude, mais cette fois-ci, c'est VOUS qui vendez. Ka-ching ! Découvrez tout sur gagner de l'argent sur Stuvia