Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
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Economics summary
- Resume • 44 pages • 2024
- 7,16 €
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This is my summary for Economics, including notes from the lecture clips and a summary of the book "Microeconomics".
game theory in microeconomics
- Resume • 5 pages • 2023
- 6,79 €
- 1x vendu
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summary covering the chapter about the game theory of microeconomics. 
First, defining a game with a dominant and dominated strategy. Then discussing about the Nash equilibrium in simultaneous games, multiple equilibria, pure strategy, mixed strategy, maximin strategy, and sequential games. Strategic moves, credibility, and commitment entry deterrence will be finally discussed
asymmetric information
- Resume • 8 pages • 2023
- 5,39 €
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summary of asymmetric information in microeconomics. First, the asymmetric information is explained with the lemons problem and examples and the mechanism that mitigates this problem. Then, it discusses adverse selection in insurance firms. Finally, the moral hazard is linked to the asymmetric information in a principal-agent relationship explained with a graphical and mathematical approach.
Imperfect competition
- Resume • 5 pages • 2023
- 5,39 €
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summary covering the chapter about imperfect competition in microeconomics, the industry structure between perfect competition and monopoly. It describes different types of oligopoly and their characteristics.
BT1210 - Economics RSM IBA summary
- Resume • 56 pages • 2023
- 6,49 €
- 2x vendu
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This is a summary of the EUR / IBA course Economics. I took this course last year and made a complete summary of it. This way you don't have to worry about your exam. I included both the chapters of the book and the lectures in this summary. 
The included chapters are: chapters 1,2,4,5,9,10,11,12,16 
The included weeks are: weeks 1 to 9 
By using this summary, my test score was a 9,3/10. 
ISBN: 	6793
Envie de récupérer vos frais ?
economic overview of U.S.A
- Examen • 17 pages • 2021
- 6,99 €
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Macro economics essay individual assignment
RSM IBA Economics (BT1110) - Full Summary BOTH Macro and Micro (lectures and readings)
- Resume • 64 pages • 2020
- 7,99 €
- 3x vendu
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Full summary of all lectures and readings for the Economics (BT1110) from the International Business Administration (IBA) course at RSM. Includes all lectures notes (7 lectures) and all reading notes, which come from the textbook Microeconomics: Goolsbee, Levitt, and Syverson, Microeconomics, International Edition (for microeconomics) and the textbook Macroeconomics: A European Perspective (for macroeconomics).
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