biological and cognitive psychology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
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Biological and Cognitive Psychology Course Notes
- Notes de cours • 27 pages • 2024
- 6,49 €
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These are my notes from the Biological and Cognitive Psychology course taken during the first year of the psychology Bachelor's at VU Amsterdam. 
I wrote those notes by attending the lectures and implementing information from the book and syllabus given by the teachers.
Cognitive psychology part notes from lectures and book (syllabus)
- Notes de cours • 36 pages • 2024
- 6,00 €
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These notes are for the cognitive part of biological cognitive psychology. They include a combination of the lectures of R. Godijn and his syllabus (9 chapters) that he wrote himself. There are a lot of visuals to remember the materials better. (tip: memorize the names of the researchers to use them as cues on the exam) I got a 7.8 for this exam.
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