

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur Hayleymeghan21.


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115 éléments

Nutrition C787 - WGU (Latest 2023/2024) Graded A 12th June 2023

8,87 €
0x  vendu

Fritz is hosting a brunch and prepares for each of his friends Omelet with cheese Toast English muffin 1 t all fruit preserves ½ large grapefruit 1 c whole milk

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  • Examen
  •  • 15 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Medical-Surgical Nursing 10th Edition Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care by Donna Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman 9780323612425 9th June 2023

8,37 €
0x  vendu

Test Bank For Medical-Surgical Nursing 10th Edition Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care by Donna Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman 2425 Chapter 1-69 Complete Guide .

i x
  • Examen
  •  • 624 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x


7,88 €
0x  vendu

Explanation – Utilize the one-letter codes for all amino acids and know their charge and polarity. Globular proteins are usually seen in aqueous environments and will fold to have nonpolar amino acids on its interior. Based on that information, the polypeptide needs to have outside amino acids that are charged or polar, while the interior will have nonpolar/hydrophobic amino acids. D is correct because (RDGLIVFYWSC) arginine, aspartame, serine, and cysteine are polar/charged.

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  • Examen
  •  • 17 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Determination of the percentage Sulphate present in Epsom Salt using Gravimetric Analysis 2nd June 2023

8,37 €
0x  vendu

The mass of a hydrated salt is measured before and after it is heated to a high temperature. This mass difference and the mass of the anhydrous salt are the data needed to calculate the percent water in the original hydrated salt. You are to complete at least two trials in this experiment. Obtain a hydrated salt. Record the unknown number of your hydrated salt on the Report Sheet.

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  • Resume
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

CHEM2032A_LabA3_The determination of Phosphate in Cola using an Absorption Spectrophotometer 2nd June 2023

8,37 €
0x  vendu

After completing the procedure of the laboratory experiment in its entirety, it was concluded that phosphate concentration was in direct proportion to absorbance in each of the three cola samples. The trend line equation, “y = 0.107x + 0.549” summarizes the correlation between absorbance and concentration in phosphate solutions. When applied to this particular experiment, the equation yields a concentration of .61 M for Coke. This was the highest concentration of the three samples, foll...

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  • Resume
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Logistics summary 26th May 2023

6,90 €
0x  vendu

Scope and definition Logistics is a diverse and dynamic function that has to be flexible and has to change according to the various constraints and demands imposed upon it and with respect to the environment in which it works

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  • Resume
  •  • 27 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Summary Logistics and Supply Chain Management 214 A1 Summaries 26th May 2023

9,36 €
0x  vendu

It not only includes the manufacturers and suppliers but also transporters, warehouses, retailers and even the customers themselves. • It is dynamic and involves the constant flow of information, product and funds between different stages. • Objective: maximize profit.

i x
  • Resume
  •  • 26 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

MNP3701 Assignment 5 (WRITTEN) Semester 1 2023 (506056) 26th May 2023

7,40 €
0x  vendu

This assessment contributes 40% towards your final mark and counts 40 marks. • We recommend that you plan to spend about 5 -10 hours completing this assessment. • Make sure to adhere to all the technical requirements of this assessment. That includes using the correct cover page (uploaded along with the assessment document). Herein you declare that you have NOT committed plagiarism, uploaded the final and correct version of your assessment, and acknowledged that no late submissions woul...

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  •  Book
  • Examen
  •  • 15 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges, 9th Edition By: Beth Black 24th May 2023

8,87 €
0x  vendu

The increased numbers of racial and ethnic minorities enrolled in educational programs graduate and begin to practice. b. The number of Asians or Native Hawaiian-Pacific Islanders begins to increase. c. The percentage of African-American and Hispanic nurses decreases more than the percentage of white nurses.

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  •  Book
  • Examen
  •  • 221 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Introduction to Environmental Engineering 5th Edition David A. Cornwell, Mackenzie L. Davis Solutions Manual 22nd May 2023

8,37 €
0x  vendu

Introduction to Engineering Drawing; Conceptual Drawings and Projection System; Architectural Plan, Elevation and Section of a Simple Building; Structural Details of a Simple Building; Architectural and Structural Details of Staircase; Structural Details of Water Tank; Architectural and Structural Details of Boundary Wall; Plumbing, Sanitation, and Roof Drainage Plan of a Simple Building; Electrical Drawings; Types of Civil Engineering Drawings.

i x
  • Examen
  •  • 156 pages • 
  • par Hayleymeghan21 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
i x