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173 éléments

Timby-s Med-Surg Finals Study guide well illustrated

8,41 €
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Timby's Med-Surg Finals Study A complete Blood count indicates that a client is anemic. What disorder in the client's health history is most likely contribuƟng to the reducƟon in red blood cells? - Renal failure When the nurse reviews the client's complete blood cell count, what finding is most suggesƟve that a client is at risk for acquiring an infecƟon? - Loan number of agranulocytes A physician tells a client that her body is not making enough blood cells. AŌer the phy...

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  •  • 12 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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Test bank Ch.13 (EBP & Research) Well Illustrated Study Guide

9,40 €
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TestmbankmCh.m13m(EBPm&mResearch) ThemnursemknowsmtesƟngmthemapplicaƟonmofmtheoriesminmdifferentmsituaƟonsmwithmdifferentmpopulaƟonsmismw hatmtypemofmresearch? a.Appliedmresearch b.Clinicalmresearch c.Basicmresearch d.QuanƟtaƟvemresearchmma.Appliedmresearch RaƟonale: Researchmconductedmtomgeneratemtheoriesmismbasicmresearch.mThesemtheoriesmhelpmtomprovidemexplanaƟonsmf ormphenomena.mTesƟngmtheoriesminmdifferentmsituaƟonsmwithmdifferentmpopulaƟonsmismappliedmresearch.mC...

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  •  • 14 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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8,41 €
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TEST ANSWERS MED AIDE A medicaƟon aide must work under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse - TRUE Types of drug reacƟons include: - Local effect, systemic effect, and emoƟonal (placebo) effect The employee misconduct registry is maintained by: - HHSC Which of the following is an unwanted medicaƟon reacƟons? - Allergic reacƟon, drug side effect, and drug toxicity Which of the following is considered as misappropriaƟon of property? - ExploitaƟon The iniƟal medicaƟon ai...

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  • Examen
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
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TEST BANK Adults Varcarolis Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing A Communication Approach well illustrated

8,41 €
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TEST BANK Chapter 27: Adults Varcarolis: EssenƟals of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A CommunicaƟon Approach to Evidence-Based Care Health maintenance and promoƟon efforts for paƟents diagnosed with severe mental illness should include educaƟon about the importance of what regular intervenƟon? a. Home safety inspecƟons b. Monitoring of self-care abiliƟes c. Screening for cancer, hypertension, and diabetes d. DeterminaƟon of adequacy of a paƟent's support system c. Sc...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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TEST BANK Chapter 26- Children and Adolescents Varcarolis study guide well illustrated

7,91 €
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TEST BANK Chapter 26: Children and Adolescents Varcarolis: EssenƟals of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A CommunicaƟon Approach to Evidence-Based Care The health care provider prescribes medicaƟon for a child diagnosed with aƩenƟon-deficit/hyperacƟvity disorder (ADHD). What is the desired behavior for which the nurse should monitor? a. Increased expressiveness in communicaƟng with others. b. Improved ability for cooperaƟve play with other children. c. Ability to idenƟfy ...

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  •  • 5 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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Quick& Easy Medical Terminology well illustrated study guide

10,39 €
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Quickij&ijEasyijMedicalijTerminology hypo-,ijinfra-,ijsub-ijijbeneath,ijunder brady-ijijslow anƟ-,ijcontra-ijijagainst trans-ijijacross sym-,ijsyn-ijijjoined,ijtogether super-,ijsupra-ijijabove,ijbeyond retro-ijijbehind post-ijijaŌer,ijbehind per-ijijthroughijorijby para-ijijnear,ijbeside,ijabnormal meso-,ijmid-ijijmiddle ipsi-ijijsame pro-ijijfavoring,ijsupporƟng mal-ijijbad eu-ijijgood,ijnormal dys-ijijbad,ijdifficult tachy-ijijfast in-ij...

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  • Examen
  •  • 81 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Test Bank Chapter 1 well illustrated

8,41 €
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ANS: C The Recent Life Changes QuesƟonnaire is an expanded version of the Schedule of Recent Experiences and the Rahe-Holmes Social Readjustment RaƟng Scale. A 6-month score of 300 or more, or a year-score total of 500 or more, indicates high stress in a clients life. However, posiƟve coping mechanisms and strong social support can limit suscepƟbility to stress-related illnesses. - 1. A client has experienced the death of a close family member and at the same Ɵme becomes unemplo...

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  • Examen
  •  • 9 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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Test bank well illustrated study guide

10,39 €
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Testvcbank Howvcisvcnursingvcresearchvcsignificantvctovcthevcprofessionvcofvcnursing?vc-vcTheorybasedvcnursingvcresearchvcprovidesvcavcfoundaƟonvcforvcevidence-informedvcnursingvccare. WhyvcarevcnursingvcpracƟce-orientedvcscienƟficvcinvesƟgaƟonsvcvaluable?vc-vcPracƟcefocusedvcresearchvcsupportsvcthevceffecƟvenessvcofvcnursingvcintervenƟonsvcandvcreinforcesvcqualityvcofvcnur singvccare. Whyvcdovcnursesvcwhovcdovcnotvcconductvcresearchvcneedvctovcunderstandvcthevcnursingvcresearch...

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  • Examen
  •  • 16 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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Nursing Test Bank Study guide

13,36 €
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Nursing Test Bank a. "You are correct, but we have to learn it anyway." b. "This keeps the focus of nursing narrow." c. "Theories help explain why nurses do what they do." d. "Exposure to theories will help you later in graduate school." - ANS: C Theories offer well-grounded raƟonales for how and why nurses perform specific intervenƟons and for predicƟng and/or prescribing nursing care measures. Although nursing theory will help the nurse in gradu...

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  •  • 23 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
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Primary care the art of science or advanced practice nursing well illustrated

8,41 €
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PrimarytycaretythetyarttyoftysciencetyortyadvancedtypracƟcetynursing whattyaretythety4tycommontycomponentstyoftyillnesstyscripts mechanisms epidemiology clinicaltypresentaƟon Ɵmetycourse epidemiology-partstyoftyillnesstyscript age,tygender,tyrace/ethnicity risktyfactors-tyliketyothertymedicaltycondiƟons/lifestyle exposure-tytravel,typets,tyoccupaƟon,tyacƟviƟes,tyclosetycontacts mechanisms-partstyoftyillnesstyscript whattyaretythetyderangement'sty anatomy,typhysiolog...

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  • Examen
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • par maxrocky139 • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
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