
Benefits of Upload & Win

The more uploads, the more chance

For every document that you upload, you'll receive a voucher. So, the more documents, the more vouchers, the higher your chances of winning these prizes.

Your knowledge is worth money

By uploading documents, you not only have a chance of winning prizes. Your documents will also be sold! This way, you create a passive income for yourself.

Find out if you are a winner

By opening your voucher, you can immediately find out if you've won a prize! You also stand a chance of winning the first prize by opening the voucher.

Which prizes have already been given away?

Start uploading now

Summaries, class notes, practice questions and flashcards. You probably have some (old) study documents from your classes or courses that you can upload and sell on Stuvia. If you upload these documents during an Upload & Win contest, you automatically stand a chance to win great prizes. A win-win situation!

Who is Stuvia?

Stuvia is a global platform for buyers and sellers of knowledge. Tens of thousands of buyers are looking for the best and most up-to-date study documents every day. We connect them with reputable sellers who are publishers of their own summaries, flashcards or notes. This way you can make money with your knowledge by selling documents and save time by studying with summaries written by others. A win-win situation!

Count your profits

Uploading your documents on Stuvia is not only a good idea during an Upload & Win contest. By selling documents, you're creating a passive income for yourself. Besides, you've already done the work, so count your profits!

Total documents

Last 30 days

Average document price

Last months

Average earnings

Per seller per year

Average sales

Per seller per year