Chapter 0 - Introduction ICT Governance
& Management - IT Service Management
ICT Management (and Governance)
Chapter 0, 2, 3 and 14 1
Chapter 2 - Info tech in a business
How does IT fit in a business environment?
An organization is a system
Think of a company; government agency is also an organization although they are not for profit. System.
System takes input, does some processing and provides output.
Car manufacturing company: input = raw materials: iron & plastics; they assemble & manufacture cars & output
is a working car.
Chapter 0, 2, 3 and 14 2
,An organization is a system
Between the input & output => activities the company has to do in order to provide the output. The output has a
higher value than the input => can lead to a higher price & profit.
Inbetween: business processes.
Business functions group processes
Business processes: basic things that companies do. Assembling a car for example
Chapter 0, 2, 3 and 14 3
, Companies are typically organized in business functions = collections of related business processes. Typical
business functions in a classical commercial functions shown here. Marketing & sales…
Business processes are what the organization does
Account management, general ledger… complex activities that are done inside an organization. They are
structured, elementary activities. Subsequent activities.
One business process takes time to do it, space (need a manufacturing hall), & resources (money, people, raw
Chapter 0, 2, 3 and 14 4