Kenza ameloot IBM MARKETING
Chapter 1 defining marketing for the 21st century
What is marketing management? = The art and science of choosing target markets and getting,
keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer
Choosing target markets
Creating, delivering and communicating
Getting, keeping and growing
Superior customer value
What can be marketed?
Who markets?
Marketers looking for prospects (different types of demand)
The market (supply and demand)
Key customer markets = consumer markets, business markets, global markets, governmental
markets and nonprofit markets
,Kenza ameloot IBM MARKETING
Core marketing concepts
Needs, wants, demands
S-T-P (segmenting, targeting, positioning)
Offerings and brands
Values and satisfactions
Communication channels
Distribution channels
Supply channel
Marketing environment
The new marketing realities
Digital revolution
The world’s a global stage
Deregulation -> removing government legislation and laws in a particular market.
Privatization -> The transfer of ownership, property or business from the government to the
private sector.
More competition
Industry convergence: blurring -> new connections emerging between previously unrelated
technology areas. Creates innovation
Retail transformation
Disintermediation: breaking through the traditional supply chain
Consumer buying power
Consumer information
Consumer participation
Consumer resistance (plastic attack campaign in europa)
New company capabilities
Markets can use the internet as a powerful information and sales channel.
Marketers can collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, prospects, and
Marketers can tap into social media to amplify their brand message.
Marketers can facilitate and speed external communication among customers.
Marketers can reach consumers on the move with mobile marketing.
Companies can make and sell individually differentiated goods.
,Kenza ameloot IBM MARKETING
The holistic approach = everything matters in marketing; therefore, a broad, integrated perspective is
often necessary.
Updating P’s -> product, price, place and promotion.
people, progress, performance, programs, partners,platforms...
Marketing management tasks
, Kenza ameloot IBM MARKETING
Chapter 2: developing marketing plans and strategies
Value creation and delivery sequence
1) choosing the value: segmentation, targeting and positioning is the essence of strategic marketing
2) providing the value: marketing must determine specific product features, prices and distribution
3) communication the value by utilizing the sales force, internet, advertising and any other
communication tools to announce and promote the products.
Porters value chain
Value chain = tool for identifying ways to create more customer value
-> every company is a synthesis of activities performed to design, produce, market, deliver and
support its product
-> 9 strategically relevant activities: 5 primary and 4 support activities
Scope -> create value and cost in a specific business
Strategically activities
Inbound logistics (materials into business)
Outbound logistics (shipping to customer)
Marketing – Sales
• Procurement
• Technology development
• Humans resource management
• Company infrastructure (costs of general management, planning, finance, accounting, legal,
government affairs)
Marketing & customer value