1. LeasePlan
LeasePlan is the world leading provider of “Car-as-a-Service” formerly known as an
operational leasing company. Financial Institution regulated by ECB. They have activity over
30 countries worldwide, the company taking care of 1.9 million vehicles.
The Overnight Change to PE – they shifted from dormant shareholdership to private
equity. They impacted Group & local culture, leadership, operating model and company
structure, targets, staff, partners and KPI’s, budgets, investment plan, innovation roadmap.
Cut cost by 30% as from now (opex), and build a growth plan for accelerated growth
exceeding market growth.
The matter of change will change for sure the culture and fun factor of the company. The
company might also be destroyed. New people at the top do not know the business at all, they
do not have a clue what they are talking about. In this situation a “WHY” has to be build,
imagined and landed for yourself and all local stakeholders. This will secure the company’s
future proofness addressing the necessary change.
There is a huge difference between mandatory and non-mandatory change, but still you
need to understand that change will also be part of your private and professional life. Do not
fight it, embrace it as a reality of life. Try to explain the “why” from your own perspective
and be authentic and close to who you are as a person.
How did they implement change?
LeasePlan met new targets by cutting costs, letting people go which impacted the workload
and NPS, closing the company’s restaurant which had an impact on engagement, cutting ICT
development which impacted the innovation pace, re-assessing leadership team and MT
which breached culture, closing office locations, etc
Update local strategy: sustainable growth, purpose, get the new basics right
The power of collective intelligence, and managerial courage. Be humble and admit you do
not know everything as a leader. Push back is not the same as resistance. Bring alternative to
the tables, and try to not always be on the safe side of any assumption. Let go of the best in
class concept.
Is a company that is social security office, HR partner or international payroll service
provider for starters, self-employed persons, employers and accountants. Supporting business
processes and guiding customers step by step through the different growth phases of their
company. ACERTA is known as a professional partner for the correct and timely payment of
As a payroll service
provider, we manage the
payment of the social security
contributions and payroll
taxes, no matter how complex
the payroll may be. We know
all the answers to special
allowances, salary estimates.
2019: new director, new
vision, announcement of the
, start of new platform (captation, distribution and consultation), new managing director (from
back in the operations of the payroll services to the front in consultancy).
Some of the challenges to overcome: clash of different cultures, specific career paths with
closed view, again a new start again a new team leader, resistance against reporting time,
Outside team: whether they will do the job like before, thought leadership and innovation
are less important and will take more time, “previous structure was better”.
What – new contour
Added value for the customer
Customers are first employers
Thought leadership – new contour
From knowledge of law towards added value for customer/business
From reactive to proactive : from capture towards create
They used Lewin’s Model
Release the cat
Our view: S & W of KC compared with the new contour. 4 groups: design, write down, think
out of the box.
My view in 2019
IDENTITY – Be an authority in Belgian Labour Law, be a knowledge center for the whole
company. Start with labor relation, the payroll systems will follow. From explaining the legal
issue to creating added value concerning the legal topic. Innovation is part of our identity.
ACTIVITY – proactivity, quality in building knowledge, quality in methodology, best
practices, editing conclusions, clear point of view.
TECHNOLOGY – choosing content (what), plan, do, act, check, tools and systems, people,
collaboration, external partners.
SYMPATHY – big advantage of BB, low hanging fruit, quality on payroll, autonomy and
working together, strong careers, respect for each other.
COVID brought the new rhythm, dynamism and up speed of the new working.
Fusion with Legal Consultancy “legal services” is born.
The world is changing: knowledge for free, cost savings in global support, the difference
between nice to have and must have.
Covid made payroll implementations faster, more sustainable for 1 big Acerta. Alignment
roadmap knowledge center with publications.
It led to: operational excellence, 1 approach in ‘model documents and simulation tools’, new
business development via new products in a servitization mode, new structure, smart